
When I go running, I fart. A lot. Normally I am running by myself so I just let them rip without shame, or until I am at least far enough away from the person running past me to claim a smelt it dealt it situation. So one night I had gone for a 5 mile jog at this park near my house (shout out to Green Lake) and I

My favorite had to have been the episode in which Blanche thought she was pregnant: cue weeping, running to room, taken aback roommates, and so on. Anyway, turns out she was, in fact, hitting the ‘pause instead, but before she figured that out, Sophia consulted Blanche’s datebook and said (roughly), “If it’s a boy we

When are you gonna lead that civil war that we so desperately need so we can overthrow American democracy and install Maru in the White House?

#NineLivesMatter I will see myself out now.

Beau Arthur (Dorothy) was actually one year older than the actress that played Sophia!

I find it fascinating nobody ever really shamed these women for being so progressive. I mean, even in 2015 they’re all over the Hallmark network which is supposed to be for “families” even though a lot of the material, even though it’s smart and wonderful, I wouldn’t call family friendly. Like, my parents are fairly

The Golden Girls are my spirit animal

I think she the actress was actually the youngest Golden Girl

I love everything about this and wish I was the person hired to do this. I’ve seen every episode multiple times anyway. And nothing about Blanche’s numbered surprises me and it is wonderful.

Damn, I think Blanche had Samantha Jones beat.

The thing that i love is how the actress was younger than some of the cast. She played ‘Grandma’ so goddamn well. But yeah, old people bonin - it’s an acquired taste through experience.

Funny story: during a time when I was very sad about my dry spell, I had to stop watching this show because it was killing me how much action these old ladies were getting.

Those were mandated antibiotic days.

I loved the scene when they’re at a drugstore buying necessities for a cruise when they start a conversation about perhaps buying condoms, but without actually using the word “condom.” This, of course, confuses the shit out of Rose.

I love Golden girls and I will fight anyone who doesn’t, because IT’S SUCH A GREAT SHOW.

If dress had anything to do with rapes, women who wear burkas would have a 0% chance of getting raped. But women in burkas still get raped.

That’s the one thing that I find cheering in all this: the fact that most people—certainly not all, but most people—will read this and think, “This lady is nuts.” Even fifteen years ago, this probably wouldn’t have been seen as a particularly outlandish thing to say.

Oh, that makes sense! I adore Elementary, and she never looked pregnant during Season 3, but sometimes they can slip that by. Mazel Tov, Lucy! (Also, everyone should watch Elementary. It’s like Sherlock, but smarter and with respect for women.)

I looked it up...surrogate. Lucy Lui is 46 already, can you believe it?! I’m beginning to suspect this is the robot version of Lucy from Futurama, b/c this lady does not age!

um if i saw a moose i’d be stoked. take your blase moositude ELSEWHERE.