Scavengers Reign was so good. Like Miyazaki mixed with alien body horror. Hopefully they can get another season out of Netflix.
Scavengers Reign was so good. Like Miyazaki mixed with alien body horror. Hopefully they can get another season out of Netflix.
Non-binary and other folks looking for better ways to express themselves in society is the opposite of victimhood. It is leadership, community and empathy. Language is constantly evolving and changing. Always has, always will. The movement to make more gender-neutral and equitable term is happening globally across…
Is it gold-pressed?
White people did not make up the word Latinx. For that matter, the modern usage of the words Latina and Latino was started in California. Latinx’s usage increased in the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting as non-binary latinx folk used it to describe themselves. While Latinx itself may not be stick around, it…
I liked it too. It was uneven but it took some swings and might have turned into something very good, given the chance.
Although he wasn’t a part of the core x-men team, because they weren’t the focus of the show, a Latino mutant was a main character in “The Gifted.” Although I was apparently the only person who watched that show.
I really enjoyed the series and was sad it got cancelled. And you’re right, it worked because it had good characters and actors that dug into their conflicts and pain without becoming misery porn.
I haven’t got it backwards. Without direct action, hearts and minds would never have changed. Without direct action, none of the civil rights gained by King would have happened. That’s what he realized and that’s why he did them. He very much followed by in the footsteps of DuBois, having learned the mistakes of…
I completely agree that non-violent action such as the boycotts, sit-ins, demonstrations, and strikes are effective in turning the tide of opinion and leveraging power to bring chenage. What does not work is the accommodationism of Washington or Xavier. Xavier is not wrong because he is non-violent, he is wrong…
“Changing hearts and minds is the only policy that gained civil rights”
“He is actively counteracting the dominate narrative and demonstrating the humanity, courage, and self-sacrificing spirit of his students as a way to short circuit the xenophobic stereotypes that justify bigotry against them.”
King did not beg for tolerance or say that black folks would gain equality through good works. Pleas for tolerance were ignored and the good works of Black people were dismissed or co-opted. Many of the civil rights leaders of the mid-twentieth century were veterans who returned from war to realize their bravery and…
It’s not appropriating the Holocaust to correctly describe the people that were targeted, persecuted, imprisoned and killed by the Nazis. It is not denying the fundamental anti-semitism of the Holocaust to recognize the multiple other groups that were also targeted, whatever their numbers. In fact, it is essential to…
My first thought on reading the headline was “Why can’t you just die already?”
I think it was ulimatly a dream although it was set up as bit of a fake out to start the episode. In the dream, he’s clutching the cross Mariko gives him, but in the end he casts it in the sea with Fuji’s help.
Yeah, I wondered if Toranga vetoing Blackthorne and agreeing to be the second was an act of kindness, especially since Toranaga new firsthand how bad it is to have it botched.
Excellent point
Man, what a great fucking show.
Truly an awesome character. A great way to have a morally grey character that is entertaining instead of frustrating.