
The Barbmarvelheimers

I was so mad at the technical and Paul’s shaming reaction to it. If you have a bunch of excellent bakers and they (almost) all can’t complete the technical, it’s you who have failed, Paul. 

They weren’t told how long to steam the puddings for.

Scavengers Reign needs a lot more love and publicity

Thanks for clarifying. I agree that they need to rethink their approach and focus more on quality. I just wanted to point out that they are not the insolvent wreck the press wants to make them out to be.

Man, I loved that show so much. Now where did I put those DVDs?

Phase 4 is Pandemic Time, the whole thing needs an asterisk. And again, I’m not saying they are raking in the dough like the earlier days, just that they are not at deaths door, the way many articles imply.

Which I’m sure they accounted and budgeted for going in. 

They may be overestimating the audience. In the past they seemed OK with not having blockbusters for the non-Avengers stuff as long as it built up to a big pay-off in the Avengers films. I think Ant-man flopped because of the quality- there was definitely and audience for the character thank to the other movies. So

Trends may be down (see also: pandemic), and the billion dollar benchmark sounds like some twitterati bullshit, but wither way, it’s not like they are at the edge of bankruptcy the way this article and other imply. They’re OK.

I really think people are exaggerating Marvel’s “dire straights,” at least financially. Quantumania and Love and Thunder may have underperformed, but GOG 3, Wakanda Forever, Multiverse of Madness, and No Way Home all did just fine.

Hopefully, it will get some more people to watch the series, it was quite fun. 

I think explaining Kamala’s powers won’t be that hard, since neither Carol or Monica know her. She’ll briefly explain her powers/backstory to them (and probably Fury) and by extension, anyone in the audience that doesn’t know.

Dude, I just pointed out you were confusing personal and private property under socialism, which you were. I’m dismissing your off-topic rants about marxism. 

I’m saying you failed to grasp the distinction between how socialism considers private and personal property. 

First google “socialist personal vs private property” and educate yourself.

You’re confusing personal and private property. 

Which way do cameras point again?

I fucking hated the original “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Is Fincher’s version much different?

The union is not an oppressor because it points out the ways that the labor of union members contributes to the profits of their employers. Removing the benefits that the employees provide is a key part of striking. Advising union members to not provide the service of advertising and promoting struck IP through their