
Taking a quick browse of the characters played by black Best Actor winners, I disagree. I'm not saying there are no problems how men and women of colour (not coloured men and women, Benedict!) are treated in Hollywood, but I don't think anyone's being awarded for playing a certain type of character.

Parks: Recreation

There were plenty of options for Dexter that didn't involve him dying nor becoming a lumberjack. Blame the writers, not Showtime for that ending.

Agreed: those two albums suffered from bloat, but what band with an uninterrupted 30-year career hasn't dealt with that?

No, but there *will* be a weeping Dave Mustaine at the 3pm showing at the Sandusky, Ohio IMAX theatre next Friday.  Or so my sources tell me.

I'm sure that she *did* buy the guns legally. Would you have a problem with laws being amended so that you can no longer buy guns if you have a convicted murderer living in your home?

Welcome to Burger King, this is Bane, may I take your order?