Brigitte Bardot's black wig

Oh I will very much be going to the party, haha...

Or maybe just ban work parties? Or have them in the afternoon, as a thing to do instead of working instead of a thing to do during what should be your free time?

And doesn’t NY have some crazy laws regarding property distribution in divorces? If she elected to be a stay-at-home parent, divorcing may have also put her in a difficult financial situation.

Well, maybe he is an abuser arsehole too, that would not be surprising.

The case in which the woman he raped until she fainted and a nurse had to be summoned ought to be prosecuted - if within NY statutes. If not, let it go to civil court and claw back some of his ill gotten loot. (Reminder: Roger Ailes spent the last foul months of his fetid life paying out victims from his golden

He’ll get some settlement; not $30million, but something. Obviously, he violated the morals clause, but the myriad layers of management and administration at NBC didn’t stop him (and it’s laughable to suggest no one knew anything for 25 years; absurd). So, in order to minimize the bad PR for NBC, they’ll give him

He needs all the money he can get cause I’m pretty sure his wife is going to take him to the cleaners. She’s looked the other way for years for the money - he bought her a $33 million house in the Hamptons last year - but at this point I’m sure she’s had enough.

Eddie Murphy did a skit on SNL in the 80's where he put on white face, tightened up his butt-cheeks and walked around in a suit as a white guy to see how the “other side” really lived. Was funny as hell. This situation here reminds me of that. Here we have a window into what life is like for Mr Rich. Completely

I’d be really happy if from now on, all Mooch articles were posted with photos of Mario Cantone as the Mooch. Who at Jezebel can I take this up with?

I took that to mean short phrases that are so generic they can’t be copyrighted. A character in the book says “Look over there!” and a character in the screenplay says the same thing. Stuff like that.

Bolton is actually a great example of my point. Tillerson understands the value of soft power. Bolton wants to speak loudly and carry a big stick. I’m not saying that Tillerson was good at his job, but he wasn’t as bad at it as so many other people in Trump’s circle could be.

If this were anything but the Trump Administration, we’d all just say, “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” He’s a terrible Secretary of State.

Man, I read and enjoyed the Anne Helene Peterson piece on Buzzfeed and it’s not wrong that he’s super privileged....but I 100% understand a little bit of ‘why me’ coming from him. No pass for the Lone Ranger redface thing (you should know better) but signing onto a franchise thinking Tom Cruise will be in it, signing

Love this movie too but I can’t get over the ending. I’ll always be mad that Robin’s character sold out the girls and tried to save a douchey rapist. (that is, if my memory serves me well)

Maybe he was in a bad mood? About 10 years ago I caught Al Roker in line during lunch rush at the salad bar at the Columbus Circle Whole Foods and he was super smiley and making small talk with everyone.

Rachel Maddow said that night that NBC believed that he was in breach of contract, so he wouldn’t get paid.

I knew someone who was in “Three Amigos” and she said that Steve Martin was a bit distant but polite, Martin Short was an absolute joy to be around, and Chevy was a massive dick that nearly everyone wanted to punch in the face/balls, whichever would cause the most pain/humiliation.

I think we’re all in The Bad Place.

Do you ever get the feeling that we must have all died at some point over the past three years and this is, well, hell?

Teaching the Miller’s Tale today and got to the part where Nicholas goes up to Alison and “grabs her by the quim” and my students didn’t snicker as they have in previous years. They were instantly ticked off and said “creep” and “like Trump” and laughed and continued. I have a room full of young adults who view sexual