I have been saying this since day one. I am afraid Pence could quietly get all sorts of racist, sexist, homophobic shit done.
I have been saying this since day one. I am afraid Pence could quietly get all sorts of racist, sexist, homophobic shit done.
I have the extra fun times of being a public facing federal employee. We’ve always borne the brunt of ‘WHY ARE MY TAXES HIGH AND WHY CAN’T YOU FIX MY ROADS YOU DO NOTHING GUBMINT WORKER’ (well, sir, you live in Kentucky and well...we’re not in Kentucky right now) and we’re accustomed, but it’s gotten so much weirder.…
This is exactly why I don’t want Cheetolini impeached. The Republithugs hold all 3 branches of the gov’t and can’t even get the AHA repealed. Can you imagine the damage they could do if they had a competent president?
“greatest public speaker since William Jennings Bryan.”
Does the state prosecutor actually believe he’s guilty and needs to be kept behind bars, or does it just make them look bad if his conviction is overturned?
Nope, it’s a special election runoff to replace Keebler Elf Sessions. It’s just GOP this round. In December, whoever wins will be up against Dem Doug Jones. And they will beat him. Some people are saying that if Roy Moore wins, then Doug Jones may have a chance bc Moore is so fucking insane, but they’re wrong, because…
For the record, I was treating the italicized finally as air quotes.
here’s hoping he chooses the wrong grail, and gets turned into a stop motion skeleton.
Yes. Or at least I think so. I’ve recently become unnervingly fascinated with this phenomena, and if you go through and look at the accounts that RT and Fav, a lot of them are like @DeplorableMomLuvTrump030294098, they all have similar bios with nothing but #Deplorable #ChristiansLoveTrump (and for some reason a TON…
So, I thought conservatism was supposed to be, in part, about upholding the rule of law. Moore seems like a weird candidate, since he’s best known for ignoring the SCOTUS on multiple occasions. It’s almost like the the GOP prizes resentment and pseudo-masculinity over actual conservatism (see also, Arpaio, Joe)
I’d like to peek into the alternate universe where Howerton played Star Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy and see how things are going there.
I’m more concerned about government employees’ loyalty to the constitution rather than the flag.
“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will…
Being forced to adulate a flag is the opposite of freedom.
Not saying it’s safe anywhere in the U.S. but the strangle hold on black folks politically and socially in Mississippi and Alabama is special man.
I just read somewhere recently (here, maybe?) about how many civil rights activists & lawyers started out fighting for rape victims and thought it was a shame those stories haven’t been told. Glad to hear Recy’s story finally getting noticed.
Even more shocking than that is some of these morons who we have to share the planet with don’t realize that Puerto Ricans are American citizens. I’ve seen so many people saying that they should help themselves and when told that they’re citizens (which doesn’t matter anyways because it’s a fucking humanitarian…
You know I was thinking this morning that anyone black in Alabama needs to be at least thinking about a way out.
That is exactly what my grandmother said to my mother. My mother was not the type to hold her tongue and Granny was afraid that she wouldn’t make it. Got her the hell out when she was 11.
My family, both sides, go back at least 8 generations in Alabama. I was the first boy that wasn’t born there (my aunt was born 9 months before I was...it’s long story). Years later, I asked my mom why I wasn’t born there and she said “after those white men bombed that church in Birmingham and killed them (4) little…