Brigitte Bardot's black wig

She didn’t say anything about being “too beautiful.” She said coming from the pageant scene made people discount her acting ability (which is likely true). She’s describing her actual personal experience, and so I’ll take her word for what actually happened over Bobby’s, or yours. You don’t get to tell her that she

Pretty close tbh

My “baby” may be fucking 3 damn years old, but he has cerebral palsy and can't walk, so yes, he goes everywhere in a stroller. Don't make assumptions about people when you don't know their circumstances. Microaggressions abound, indeed.

And see, I hate the term hispanic. For one thing, my family is Mexican. Hispanic originally referred to Hispania. We aren’t Spanish. It’s more contemporary usage is basically meaningless. Not only am I not in community with all Spanish-speaking people, there are plenty of people in my community for whom Spanish is a

If I see a raggedy vintage pickaninny doll for sale at a country flea-market, I’m not really offended. If I see a brand-new with tags hand stitched one, I’m pissed off. She’s kinda like that vis-a-vis old folks using the term oriental versus a brand-new printed menu. She even admits it’s a weird thing to be slightly

When I was pregnant with my first I had to catch a bus. It was the hottest week in NYC in 100 years. I was VERY pregnant and huge. A middle-aged woman and her two granddaughters had occupied the bench to wait. This bus took FOREVER. Eventually I started swaying. At this point, an older Greek grandma type comes up to

He attempted to do it, and was immediately charged with attempted murder? Interesting. That does also involve a car. The grownups are talking about an actual murder over this way, one with recent newsworthy legal developments. Join us!

Ryan Seacrest? A girl?

Yeah, but this has been roundly debunked. She’s an ascientific twit with regressive ideas about women’s bodies and looks. And has a history of fraud.

I think the fake womb should be named “Loretta”.

Guys! Guys! Guys!

But the voters the Green Party is going after love it when people are called neoliberal shills, probably even when it’s them.

No, that still sounds like porn.

He also called Bernie supporters Neo-Liberal shills.

He also bashed Bernie supporters. Dude was a terrible pick. Hell, he bashed BEYONCE. The man cannot be popular.

Of course you can charge with 3rd party lightning cables. The message that pops up about it not being supported is just an advisory. My wife and I use ‘unlicensed’ cables in our cars with no issue to charging speed or music playback.

Sean is somewhere trying to mansplain to his mother how this hurts him, in his special manly place.