Brigitte Bardot's black wig

Frankly, I don't know why Hermoine would marry either of them. I'm probably going to get flame-cursed for saying this, but even by the standards of self-absorbed teenage boys they're both arseholes to her. Now, Neville — smart, reliable, good-natured, level-headed in a crisis, brave but not rash, and not terminally

One of my friends posted a Facebook status today that I think made a great case for why more people should advocate for body positivity. Basically, over the past few years, she improved her diet, because it made her feel healthier and started using exercise as her main method of stress relief. She ended up losing

I don't think the author was making any statement about people with eating disorders with that sentence. She was saying that the people who hawk harmful weight ideas—people like this dad—under the guise of "the only way to be healthy is to be skinny!" don't understand why that message is bad. She's saying that people

It is possible to think that a person is nice and good and has made positive contributions to the world AND be critical of the culture that elevates that person's contributions above the contributions of marginalized groups who have been trying to be heard for decades. It is possible to happy on an individual level

This is what we need more of: women supporting other women, even across party lines. I'm glad Haskins called bullshit on this bullshit.

Problem is, she promotes all kinds of unhealthy shit——like diet pills and and crash weight loss——that are just terrible for you. She's been caught a few times doing "do what I say not what I do" and has been involved in sleazy weight loss scams.

Give her a break? Have you seen this woman?? Her body is incredible. Of course she wants to keep it in shape because it's her income, but whining about how imperfect her ass is when it's totally toned smacks of a body image disorder, not a woman who is striving to stay fit.

Right? Also, she made me wish I had taken my wedding pictures in Zac Posen's elevator.

My goal for 40 is to not be mean to myself anymore. To each their own, but fuck, lady. I don't envy that.

That's a really depressing read from Jillian Michaels. I think what she doesn't like about her butt is that it doesn't look like a firm, taut skinned 15 year old's... which it never will because DUH. Women's skin is meant to be softer and dimpled especially by age 40. How does she suppose this makes women at large,

I am so personally saddened that Nicholas Hoult wrote "might of" instead of "might have."

From my experience, trans people do not like you if you are normal and an asshole.

I melted one of his WWE action figures. For science.

And your brother's been lost in the woods since, I take it? Because no one messes with that two-cd set you paid forty dollars for.

Such transgressive. So pervert.

I mean, I've tried...

That really improved my Saturday morning.

You can let them know that there are approximately half a dozen Americans who love Robbie, and I know them all.

RuPaul wins. Those are hilarious.

I really miss those older Disney films that were just LOADED with hairy mons. Thick clumps of curling hairs right up in the screen. That's what childhood was to me: Pete's Dragon and handfulls of pubic hair. I'm sorry, what were we discussing?