Brigitte Bardot's black wig

There was an opinion piece in the Guardian re: stereotyping Eastern European accents (the meerkats are supposed to be Russian). I think it’s a bit American to call it racist (even though that writer is British) - it’s more xenophobic, which can go hand-in-hand with racism (and frequently does), but also exists on

I just have to note that it’s not just male victims. I have an ex-girlfriend who was molested by a female teacher when she was very young.

I’ve gotten the impression that he touches everyone, men and women, and not in a sexual way (and I haven’t heard people complain about it, so I imagine he must stop if you tell him to or maybe can read people well enough to know who won’t mind).

A deep love of shopping malls?

For real. Middlesex County, NJ (which includes Edison) had the largest number of Indian-American people per capita of any county in the US when I lived there more than 10 years ago. There is nothing recent about the population make-up there. (Shout out to the Indian grocery store on Route 27 with the awesome frozen

John Oliver is going to be much more of a draw to a broader audience than Atkinson would be at this point.

He followed up on that with an explanation that made it look less like homophobia, and more like rank stupidity - he said it wasn’t about incest, but said that if acts of incest were kept illegal, but gay marriage was legalized in part because of the difference in economic treatment based on marriage, what would stop

Irons may be semi-retired. I also seem to recall him making some skeezy comments a couple years ago that might make people reticent to work with him...?

I have a copper IUD, so I do ovulate and am the most abortion-iest, despite the fact that, as you state, parenthood can be murder on the sex life. (After dealing with our fairly intense kid, the last thing my husband and I want to do most nights after getting her to bed is to remind ourselves how we got here.) (I

If you’re on birth control pills, I don’t think you’re flushing an egg....?

He’s a friend of a friend of mine in New York and whenever he comments on my friend’s Facebook posts I get a twinge for old Gawker.

Yeah, doesn’t California have the Coogan laws? (for Jackie Coogan, of Charlie Chaplin’s “The Kid” and later of Uncle Fester fame - his parents squandered everything he made as a kid, and these laws are supposed to hold a certain amount of income in trust I think)

Well, and, I think a big difference is that Polanski is an artist. He’s done a beautiful job directing some great films. It’s very difficult for a lot of people to deal with the consequences of realizing that someone whose art you love and respect is a monster.

The Magic School Bus Rides Again is on Netflix, with Kate McKinnon voicing Miss Frizzle’s sister, the new teacher, and the original Miss Frizzle - still voiced by Lily Tomlin - is now Professor Frizzle, PhD. My kid just started watching it.

I love that movie! Both for Veronica Lake and for the fact that it was directed by Rene Clair, a *very* early French film director who did some early sci-fi/fantasy special effects

I’d say go ahead and see them - they’re the only Marvel movies that I think are good movies in their own right (especially Civil War). And, yes, I love the contrast between the Evans roles in Captain America and Snowpiercer.

I wonder if there’s another layer that Tarantino isn’t acknowledging because it’s a bit humiliating - perhaps he was physically intimidated by Weinstein. Weinstein is known to have physically assaulted men - not the same way as women, obviously, but he’s definitely been known to throw men against a wall (Nathan Lane

I 1000% think Michael Bay was just talking shit about Megan Fox because she didn’t want to sleep with him (anymore? I can’t remember if they had a relationship - but that doesn’t make a difference if the answer is no later)

The only other thing I could think was that the story was posted in the comments in a past year and didn’t get picked up by as many people

I think the Miss Lizzy one has appeared as fiction elsewhere on the internet (I definitely recognized the long-finger detail)