Although, due to years of hard living and malnutrition from drug abuse, Judy looked much older than her years, she was only 47 when she died. Liza is 71 (and arguably, despite everything, looks healthier than Judy at 47).
Although, due to years of hard living and malnutrition from drug abuse, Judy looked much older than her years, she was only 47 when she died. Liza is 71 (and arguably, despite everything, looks healthier than Judy at 47).
Everyone was convinced it was surgery, but even at the time I saw photos from the same event where she looked more like “herself” (as a bit of shorthand). If anything, it was probably some Botox or other injectible that looked more pronounced in the bright (SO BRIGHT) red carpet lights. (I don’t know if you’ve ever…
This is actually a great example of why teaching people to talk about these things outside the moment can be important. I am okay with someone starting stuff when I’m sleeping sometimes. I voice that explicitly. But I feel like some men need to be taught that what is sort of hot for one person can be assault on…
Absolutely. It reminds me of studies or surveys I’ve read about where men would be asked if they’d do “x” and also be asked if they would rape/sexually assault a woman, and it was always no to the latter, but they didn’t realize that “x” (e.g., touching a woman sexually while she was blackout drunk) *was* sexual…
Bats! I love bats in principle but I can’t stand being in closed-in spaces with things that fly. I started to freak out in a damned live butterfly exhibit. I would have managed to accidentally kill myself if I awoke to a bat in my room.
That show has devolved into torture porn focused on WOC over the last two seasons. It’s gross.
Go fuck yourself, you patronizing git.
This is actually the first thing he’s done that made me cry. When we were engaged, my now-husband was active duty MC and did two deployments. I never went through what real military wives go through - more than anything, we didn’t have kids yet - but it was a constant effort to be chill. He’s still a reservist and…
It was posted on Friday
God, I want him to die. I might have the chance to enjoy some of his art again if he died, and hopefully the proceeds would go to whatever therapy his kids with Soon-Yi require.
I wonder how much satisfaction Ronan Farrow got out of writing that piece about Weinstein. I’m sure he’d like to see his estranged father* taken down in the same way.
Like I said, we were next to a hospital - there was an ER entrance not 1000 feet away. If you’re hurt, go there.
My mother raised me to be suspicious as hell, and I think it’s proved useful.
I had such a serious gut feeling. He asked if I was going to my card and could give him a ride, because we were next to the hospital parking garage. When I said no, he said, “Well, maybe you can help me - I just got out of jail and I hurt my hand...” as he held his hand out to me. My lizard brain or something suddenly…
My creepiest story is something like this - a stranger asked me for help in the middle of the day, but he was trying to get a ride from me (I don’t have a car), and then he wanted me to look at his arm, saying “I just got out of prison...” and holding it as if he were hurt - but we were literally next to a hospital -…
I love you for having done a Yo-Landi costume.
Now I’m wondering about the sad part - was it something about the cat?
I mean, a stranger inviting you to “my van” is just total code for “I’m gonna kill you/keep you in a well”
Good instincts, Jake!
They’re not allowed to have rulers, etc., outside of the workroom (back in their apartments). These are timed challenges, essentially, so if someone can get extra work in back at the apartment (or measure their own clothes back at the apartment to get proportion help), it puts them at an advantage.