
I guess Naomi can decide for herself about what to speak about.

you lost me at “meltdown”. utter nonsense. she was assertive, she was angry (smashed her racket), but she was coherent and she stood her ground. then she carried on playing. meltdown” suggests an emotional disintegration and a ceasing to function. nothing like that happened.

All these folks using the “rules of tennis” excuse want to act like all the ills of the world disappear once someone gets to the level of supreme that Serena has achieved. As if her blackness disappeared.

I am so, so tired of reading hot takes from people who have no idea what it’s like to face the amount of racism and sexism Serena Williams has faced in her career. Her outburst was about more than what was happening out there on the court; it was about the amount of disrespect she’s encountered as a black woman. When

I’m so happy Anne is writing about this so I never have a reason to go to that site. Fools over there asking if people can now get over the Serena hype.

Becky: (noun); a white woman who uses her privilege as a weapon, a ladder or an excuse. Ex: “A random Becky hit me