I didn’t mind the way she handled the karate thing. And I thought it was awesome how receptive the karate teacher was to the criticism!
I didn’t mind the way she handled the karate thing. And I thought it was awesome how receptive the karate teacher was to the criticism!
It’s rough always trying to combat sexism and gender norms. As a black woman, and especially one who grew up in a majority white town, I’ve done the same thing in terms of racism. It made me feel isolated a lot of the time, and I wish I had a more open relationship with my parents so I could have talked to them about…
Can’t agree there. I was totally on board with her complaining about another child teasing her kid until she cries. One may or may not agree about the pretend guns, but that level of teasing is not teasing anymore; it is flat-out bullying.
And as a mixed raced child who had a white mother who took every single racial and sexist battle - and won them, I’ll say: the exhaustion is worth it.
The way she described Ben reminds me of many women’s relationship with narcissistic men (I know that n word is thrown around a lot, but I think it’s an epidemic in this culture.) Reaaaally trying to avoid ever being with anyone who is Brilliant And Generous And Charismatic but makes me feel small. Big people should…
All service animals should be kept in cargo. You ain’t fucking walking on no plane. Any if you need them to calm yourself, you shouldn’t be taking a flight anyway. It is always the same thing. You set something up to help and people abuse it. Like handicapped parking. If it is that hard for you to walk you should have…
This is why pets should be banned from airplanes. Service animals aside, your pooch doesn't trump my right to breathe.
You will get piled on, but I agree. I didn’t see anything shocking about her assessment that young women tend to more subservient to men. Like...that’s how it goes. It takes some time to even notice the sexism in our world. You have to work awhile before you feel it. Have a couple crap relationships before it clicks.…
I’m gonna get so much shit for saying this but studies like this only reinforce my belief that GloStein’s comments about Bernie supporters was a bit on-the-nose. Young women are taught to keep their voices pleasant (no fighting tones, no vocal fry); they internalize their under-representation by keeping their voices…
i’m sure these aren’t the same guys who talk over female colleagues 5 years later.
This is awesome. Now, all other airports need to follow suit!
He was probably rooting for Javert.
I feel like he didn’t pay so much attention to the major themes of the story though?
I admit few daycare centres accept kids less than six-month-old.
Did it occur to him that the female models might make the women feel exactly as awkward as the male models made the men feel? No. No it did not.
Yes, dishes are only important to her. He’d be just fine licking his food directly off the pan. The maggots that show up after long enough with no washing just add flavor! Dumb women thinking that dishes are a household-wide chore instead of some silly thing only they need to care about with their silly estrogen.…
At least some “emotional labor” (not all by a long shot) seems to boil down to “think of others and don’t be a self-centered asshole,” and that doesn’t seem a huge ask to me.
My son is preschool-aged and I am in awe of preschool teachers. He is awesome but I have never been more emotionally exhausted. I have a new baby too, and the physical work with her is nothing compared to chatting with him for three hours straight.