Steve Johnson

No, you know what is hilarious? when someone believes something is hilarious without really trying to understand the mechanics of how something happened.

No, Obama increased spending more than they did as a % of GDP and is on record wanting to spend more, except the GOP stopped him from doing so.

"The ACA was just a rebranded version of Romney's health care."

Hahahaha, I don't take suggestions, instructions, or the like from someone who is or ought to be a mental patient.

They were both Fascistic. The Empire was a military fascism and the Old Republic was decidedly buried in Corporatism.

I wasn't changing the subject. You tried to correct my grammar by saying a word didn't exist, I showed that it did. you called me a "grammar nazi" for showing you were incorrect, even though you started calling out word-usage.

Trump represents a large shift away from the principles Republicans often said they believed in, but never really executed much anyways. However as far the largest expansions of Government?

Yes, Terrible Donald Trump thinks that voting should be restricted to legal votes, just like a lot of non-Republicans How deplorable!!

I'm not the "Grammar Nazi" here as I wasn't the one to (falsely) state that 'fascistic' wasn't a word. That would be you

" The entire foundation of Fascism in both Italy and Germany from the mid-1930s onward was fueled by fomenting propagandist ideas of race- and gender- based superiority and inferiority. "

Of course you don't know, because it's obvious you don't know much at all. For example, the word "fascistic" is in the dictionary (and adding the 'un' in front is understandable license)

I find Rand useful, but not brilliant. Far from my favorite. I personally like Orwell as he's pretty good at demonstrating the errors in the thinking of people like yourself.

I can safely assume a few things from your little bit here:

And i finished even better.

Anti fascist themes? Yes, that's one reason I like the Prequels more than pretty much anyone else I know.