
He was thinking of Thomas Jefferson but his brain is a jello casserole. 

Black unemployment was incredibly low during Washington’s presidency. Not many people know that.

George Washington owned a ton of slaves, so yeah I’d HOPE we’d vote against him today.

This is exactly what I was saying to the #shehastoEARNmyvote crowd.

Take a gander at anyone with a MAGA hat and get back to me.

Because a large portion of the voting populous is just as, if not more, stupid. And fucking dumb as he may be, and as much as I hate him, he’s been a somewhat successful con-man, targeting specifically those same people, over the last number of decades.

Something something emails, vagina, Pizzagate, emails, Benghazi.

“Stupid” is the wrong word.  In some sense he’s a genius at reading a certain kind of person and telling them what they want to hear.

This is an obvious realization, but fuck, we could have remade the Supreme Court. Obama got two nominees, Clinton could have had two in the first two years of her presidency (hell, possibly three if RBG found that she liked her replacement). If we could have gotten a full 16 years of Democratic presidents, we could

He then accused the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee of being so biased that they would have voted against George Washington who, in Trump’s words, could have had “a couple of things in his past.”

I would not be surprised if his large brain was mushroom shaped.

Whenever I see him with this expression on his face, which is a lot, I always have the exact same thought: How could a person who is this fucking stupid have possibly become President of the United States?

I hope his accusers sue him for defamation. Well, the four (out of like 18) he claims were paid. Which four? Don't know, they should all sue. 

this person is the president of the united states.

Their faces twisted in He said that same type of shit a year ago, what’s fucking new in their lives or brains where they actually thought to think about how he is.

Spare yourself. Don’t watch the conference. You won’t learn anything you don’t already know about Trump and his world view.

wow, there are a lot of turds writing paragraphs. makes me wonder what they stand to lose if people actually took rape accusations seriously

look at this meowing little turd