
A man behind me on a bus kept grabbing my hair and moaning. I think he was masturbating but I was to frozen to look around. I learned to wear a ponytail on the bus.

It is easier to think of reasons I didn’t report my abuse and attempted rape. I knew it was all my fault, so to report it would have been to expose my own stupidity and weakness to the world. Of course now I know better, but I so internalized rape culture that, even as I was being raped, I was mad at myself for

I'm only half joking when I say I'm in.

One thing I have noticed is that in a choice between sons and daughters, women always choose their sons. And I do not get the cultural insistence that a brother is a good thing for a woman to have. Even if they otherwise behave decently, they are usually lazy and tedious and never worth the company. Better to have an

I didn’t report my rapists and only most recently told my mother and current boyfriend what happened to me. Both happened while I was in college.

I’m only half joking when I suggest we start roving bands of women dressed as ninjas to take baseball bats to these SOBs. We would know the ones to watch for by their limping.

I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. I want you to know,

I believe you.

I’ve never had to deal with those things you wrote about, but

I Believe You, I Believe Dr Blasey and I Still Believe Anita Hill!

Monique, You are Fire and I love your articles.

I didn’t tell because he was my boyfriend. Everyone already knew he was abusive and didn’t care. I had no reason to believe they’d give a shit about the other things he did to me.

I was in middle school and the first girl to get breasts. The boys would grab them at any opportunity. I tried sitting in the front of the classroom right at the teacher’s desk so she would see it and protect me.

You don’t even have to do that. The Orange Hellscape practically screamed the equivalent of “Why didn’t she call the police??” at Dr. Ford from his TweetShriek after his Hitler rally in Vegas.

I didn’t report in my 40's, when I was riding a crowded #2 train from 42nd street uptown. (New Yorkers know what I mean). We were packed in like sardines, and an OLD old old white man put his hands up in front of him and coincidentally palmed my breasts until the train got to 72nd St - the next stop - and I lurched

If you want to understand why women don’t come forward, I implore you to watch our elected government officials question Christine Blasey Ford next week.

This can’t have been easy to write, but it’s powerful and makes a huge difference. Thank you.

Brava, Ms. Judge. 

I hear you. I see you. I am you, sis.

I used to think that weight was between a person and their doctor. Then I had sciatica about 10 years ago. My first neurology appointment the doctor shamed me for 45 minutes about how my weight was causing my sciatica. Fast forward 9 years and 50# lighter.... I still fucking have that sciatica and wish I could scream