A+ Kinja name.
A+ Kinja name.
That’s really patronizing, though. You’re essentially saying, “Why can’t she be happy in the specific manner I want her to be happy?” and that’s not something you get to decide for her. If you love her and want her to be happy, accept her the way she is and let her decide for herself what makes her happy.
It is the Nancy Pelosi State of the Union clap of batflips.
I had moved to a new city while I was pregnant, and I knew no one with kids. It worked out okay for me but I met everyone beforehand and ended up using a co-worker’s mom (who honestly saved me from so much terrible new mom shit).
For horses, there really isn’t. It sucks but horse anatomy is such that they can’t take the weight off a fractured limb long enough for it to heal, even if it’s splinted or casted.
Human trafficking and patronizing sex slaves is not legal in most of the world. Do not confuse consensual sex work with what happened here.
Every one of these comics is gold. Every morning when the alarm goes off, my husband says “I wish to harm the melody machine.”
Maybe’s he’s just an asshole.
The symptoms are pretty mild if you’re not immune compromised—there are two kinds of enterotoxins, one that makes you vomit and the other gives you diarrhea, but otherwise-healthy people clear them within 6-8 hours. So it’s not that bad! But I definitely wouldn’t give old rice to someone going through chemo or a baby.
That’s not really how it works--if it needs to be held at 100C for five minutes, you can’t assume that 95C for ten minutes will work as well.
No, rice isn’t cooked like pasta. It’s brought to the boil and then reduced to simmer.
Rice cookers bring it to a boil and then turn the heat down, so it’s not necessarily held long enough at boiling. Even if only a few bacteria survive, it can proliferate pretty dang quick, since it doubles so quickly.
B. cereus has to be brought to above 100C for at least 5 minutes to die. If any are left, they can double in numbers in 20 minutes. Then they produce enterotoxins that can only be killed by heating to 120C for at least 90 minutes.
b. cereus has to be held at 100C for at least five minutes to die, and if any survive, they can double in numbers every 20 minutes. B. cereus produces emetic enterotoxins (they make you vomit) which are inactivated at temps at or above 120C for 90 minutes. Most people don’t reheat leftovers that long or that hot.
Yeah, I don’t care. I am paying to eat at your restaurant, and I am not being paid to explain to you how your restaurant sucks. If I’m asked by a server or manager if everything is good, I’ll explain, but I’m not going to seek anyone out. I don’t really care if the restaurant improves or not, because I’m not going…
No. I’ve worked in spamblocking for close to 20 years now, and spam is unsolicited commercial email. If I didn’t specifically ask for email, it’s spam. This is the industry standard, because email costs recipient sites money. If advertisers want to send me relevant email, they can do so using a medium that they pay…
Every email with an image (pretty much every commercial email you receive and open or download, plus anything anyone sends with one of those ugly pointless email signature files with pictures) will create a record.
Every email you receive with an image in it creates a log every time you open it, which is what this is.
It’s not, really. I’ll spare you the technical explanation, but that’s just not how external images work.
Culver’s is terrible. Everything is bland and greasy.