
Sorry, but you lost me at “first-person platformer.”

Pretty much. This will almost certainly be a low tier holiday. Banks and post offices will be closed while everyone else still goes to work as usual.

This looks great conceptually but are they seriously doubling down on the melee counter from Samus Returns? Bleh... that was the worst.

This is a fantastic idea.

Yeah... While ROMs have always existed in kind of a legal grey area, once you start charging money for them you immediately cross the line into the “definitely illegal” area. No surprise that Nintendo took him to court, and won.

Some choices I love (Desire and Gilbert seem perfect) while others are less interesting, but I’m pretty cool with the cast list overall. Kirby Howell-Baptisteis very much not the goth white girl everyone pictures, but if anyone is going to modernize their look based on the time and place, it’s Death. I’m good with

Nintendo always dominated the handheld market despite the usually inferior specs for one simple reason. Nintendo is the only company that actually undersands handhelds as a concept.

The Switch does this with some games too. I remember wondering how the heck I had 94 hours on a Cadence of Hyrule file before realizing it must have still been counting time while in sleep mode.

On the other hand, these are sturdy enough to survive kids actually playing with them (as kids my brother and I each had one, and still do this many years and sword fights later.) That prototype looks super awesome but flimsy as hell. It’s definitely a prop rather than a toy.

IP feels evil on large scales like this but is vital at smaller scales. Just like patents and copyrights, it protects individuals and small companies from getting steamrolled by anyone with more money.

To answer the off-handed question from the picture, the Garlean third eye gives them enhanced spacial awareness and depth perception. It’s why pure-blood Garleans are naturally good at things like piloting mechs and airships and shooting guns, and such.

I think it’s not that SB is somehow worse than HW, but that SB is a lot less... focused. The Doman and Ala Mhigan stories were almost entirely separate, even in the post-patches, and that split meant that neither got the love and attention they deserved. As much as I LOVE the Doma stuff I think the SB story would have

Personally my favorite part of the story was seeing Fordola again. She has been criminally under utilized by the MSQ to date. It’s nice to know they haven’t completely forgotten about the long neglected side characters (see also, Unukalhai in 5.4.)

That picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s actually a giant spiky ponytail that makes your head looks like a pineapple.

This has got to be the worst use of a slideshow I’ve ever seen.

For the life of me I will never understand why everyone loves this game so much. Even in 2007 it was one of the most generic and uninteresting JRPGs I’d ever seen. It wasn’t bad, per se, but it also did nothing good. “It exists” is about all you can really say about it.


You had me worried there for a minute with the title.

The article’s title is a bit misleading. This only affect time cards. Regular subscriptions and time gained from WoW tokens still come in 30 day increments.

The reason everyone else mostly failed is that historically Nintendo is the only one that understood handhelds as a concept. Everyone else, from the Game Gear to the Vita tried making portable consoles, not understanding that while on the go people don’t want portable consoles. They want handhelds. Games designed