
Yeah. There’s a good chance he actually didn’t know what it mean. It’s not exactly a common term right now.

Every time I see things like this I think back to Sonic 3D Blast on the Genesis. You could get to the secret level select screen by inputting a cheat code, OR you could get there by physically whacking the console to glitch the game.

The Alphinaud love is a matter of time and perspective. Everyone who loves him now (and he does learn from his experience and become a much better character in Heavensward and beyond) probably forgot about how terrible he was back in ARR.

I’m torn on this issue because no amount of trans rights legislation will change the fact that there are real and measurable differences between men’s and women’s athletics. It’s why most sports are separated by gender in the first place. It may not matter in casual settings but when talking about competitions where

To be fair, Warburton died defending his daughter from said rampaging goobbue. It wasn’t just some random bit of bad luck.

Dark knight is BY FAR the best job quest

To be fair, they learned a lot from ARR and did a lot of things better in Heavensward and beyond. You won’t see story heavy, cutscene filled dungeons like Castrum and Praetorium again.

Pretty much. This is why I always laugh at things like classic WoW servers and old-style games. Do you actually want to play vanilla WoW, or do you want a to turn the clock back 15 years and be a clueless, starstruck, teenage newbie again? No remake or rerelease will give you the latter.

Buckle up. This’ll be a hell of a ride.

While I do feel bad for Tessica, and especially her kids who absolutely do not deserve the notoriety and abuse, she did in fact bring this on herself. If you post videos of yourself doing something really stupid, you have only yourself to blame when you become a meme.

Yeah. The story drags a little in the middle parts of ARR (with 50 levels worth of quests there’s inevitably going to be a bunch of filler) but as you get farther in, and especially once you hit Heavensward, the story gets really good.

I wonder if there’s more to the story than we’re being told. Immediately disqualifying someone without even telling them why, let alone giving them the chance to fix the issue, seems really weird and sets a pretty bad precedent for the tournament going forward.

Those were my first thoughts too. It looks cool, but damn does it have a lot of design and practicality issues.

I agree. I’m glad Nintendo is always off being weird and quirky rather than trying to directly compete with Sony and Microsoft. We don’t need a third, nearly identical console. We need someone to be innovating. Sometimes it works (Wii, DS, Switch) and sometimes it doesn’t (WiiU) but even when Nintendo fails at least

Yeah. It’s easy to look at the N64 and PSX and see year-2000 Nintendo as failing, but that’s not the whole story. Nintendo also had complete dominance of the handheld market and near infinite Pokemon merchandising money. They didn’t need Microsoft’s hilariously low offer.

and I do still kinda wish that admission to its servers were bundled with a free lobotomy, so that we could truly stomp through the Azerothian wilds as if they were new all over again.

He’s probably right. Outside of social events, where the point is more about the people you’re with than the movie itself, these days the summer blockbusters are the only things that really benefit from the big screen and fancy sound systems. Iron Man is objectively better on a big screen. A romantic comedy is just as

I swear, I will never understand why everyone loves this game so much. I know taste is subjective but most of the time I can at least understand why people like certain things even if I’m personally not a fan. Not this game though. It’s not a bad game, but it’s one of the most boring games I’ve ever played. It took

Eh. Depends on the game. Ice Cap is the best zone in Sonic 3.

Yeah. I expected FF7:Remake to be mediocre at best, but it was shockingly good. Not amazing, but waaaaaay better than I expected.