Brigadier General Crunch

Wait, athletes are unfaithful to spouses now too? Have we no role models left?

“None of this is really news as you won’t be hearing from us ever again in 5 months.”

JJ Watt is the definition of a GLORY BOY


Best fans on baseboards!

Because of course Kristen Wiig was added to this.

Come back zinc, come back!

Hey, did anyone know that apparently Tom Cruise is part of this Scientology thing and that their beliefs might not be on the level?

“Oh goddamnit see what you did now the kid’s crying, Jesus!”

I wouldn’t call this a rich person thing as Lindsay Lohan can do it.

What if you’re Bill Plaschke, still covering a game from 50 years ago?

That’s my mayor ( who I once saw furiously rubbing a scratch ticket alone in a CVS parking lot on Christmas Eve)!

Wow he belted that one out of the park.

He always used the hard -er ending to brother, it all makes sense.

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

Geez did Taylor Swift piss in the Gawker coffee pot this morning or what?

Think most of these people were advertising Adobe Photoshop as well.

Just some waterworks building up in Da Pipe

Except Floyd Mayweather Sr.