except this isn’t a parody. it’s a hijacking of Tig’s wholly original concept.
except this isn’t a parody. it’s a hijacking of Tig’s wholly original concept.
I don’t think this obscure indie comedy short quite qualifies as ‘popular’ or ‘unpopular’. It’s unknown by 95% of the SNL viewing audience.
I used to enjoy Rich far more than I do now and the change is largely due to years of watching the guy do detailed self-analysis without seeming to learn or grow. I have some generosity left, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get a kick out of him being tasked to Jezebel when he is so plainly disinterested in women…
I don’t know, it seems like y’all are giving Rich an awful lot of credit for a pretty self-involved postscript. If you have to say it’s an explanation, not a defense you’re just being defensive. Rich should have known better in 2012, like anyone with a sincere feminist politics did. He should have cared, not because…
It’s similar to rape apologists. Like, “Sorry, I did this terrible, dehumanizing thing that affected you in ways I can’t even imagine, I’m sure you’ve thought about it a lot since I did it, but I’m just thinking about it for the first time right now, and realizing it was a bad thing to do. I’m so proud of how far I’ve…
That was weird. I also found it strange that the author tries to justify (at least a little bit) posting the invasive photograph in 2012 by saying that we as a culture didn’t wake up to how horrible stuff like this was until 2014. Ummmm, what? No, I’m pretty sure most of us knew well before then that it’s not OK to…
“Anne Hathaway was under no obligation to talk to me—in fact, given her feelings about Jezebel, she had good reason not to”
Don’t you mean “Signed, Nkechi Amare Diallo”? ;)
As an Asian American woman, I’m glad I’m being represented in politics.
I was confused by that at first, but then I realized it was much simpler than I was trying to make it: Cersei can see her breath because it’s cold in King’s Landing. Winter has come.
I just do not get Emilia Clarke as an actress (I’m sure she is a totally lovely person!)— I feel like she has one facial expression, the sort of steely yet oddly blank raised chin look she’s giving in this trailer.
What white savior + boobs + dragon isn’t a compelling character?
The Night’s Watch was ruined because it’s an idiotic concept. And any place is better if Sam isn’t there.
and you’re short.
No one is more boring than Dany.
Jon Snow is the best.
All of this but I think it also needs to be said that - and you touched on this briefly albeit in a roundabout way - these particular photos are photos of *beautiful young* women, and we are culturally conditioned to respond to images of beautiful women, especially in peril/distress/disarray, especially when their…
Zionism is about Israel being a country for Jews around the world.
It’s still a Jewish first viewpoint in which Palestine either doesn’t exist or is subordinate to Israel; and saying Muslims have the same rights in Israel now is like saying black people have the same rights in the USA as white people technically you are correct but in practice you aren’t.