Rachel W

When I was 15 I was in a really bad car accident - like I was a pedestrian hit by a drunk driver situation. I woke up in the hospital after 3 days and my dad was a wreck. I actually dont remember much from that time because of lovely head trauma, but I have this very clear memory of needing to take a shower while

Thank fuck.

If we get subpoenaed they have access to our notes. We can be forced to testify or be held in contempt. In my situation, if I was being subpoenaed, I would talk it over with my client. I have been before and clients have given me permission to disclose what was said. So far it’s just been about past abuse and not past

Your opinion is noted.

Well, it’s not subjective. It’s objective. And the line has everything to do with the guidelines put in place by various governing bodies and committees. I am ethically obligated to report child abuse, but if I have an adult client disclose to me that they are a victim of spousal abuse by their partner, I am not

Its true. I’m a therapist for incarcerated adolescents. I am not obligated to report past crimes, including murder, unless it was the murder of a child. The ethical codes are very clear about that.

If they are a current threat, then yes, a therapist would have to report that. However, ethical guidelines state that a therapist is not obligated to report a past murder/crime unless it falls under the mandatory reporting umbrella (ACA, APA, AATA).