M-O-O-N that spells RAIDERS
M-O-O-N that spells RAIDERS
My parents came of age in the ’60s and ’70s, and so they remember when blacks weren’t allowed to vote, and all the…
I’m calling bullshit right now. He clearly picked it up off the ground, stuffed it in his beer, and then didn’t even pound the whole thing. I’d call it embarrassing all the way around.
So many 'buy snow tires' posts... Cmon guys, the tires help but a tool is only as good as the user. I'd rather ride with a skilled snow-driver with typical all-seasons over the average American in an AWD crossover with studded snow tires when a big storm hits. If you can have the best of both worlds then great, but…
I think the biggest myth of winter driving is that there is a replacement for good judgement.
That if you drive on snow in all-season tires you will crash and burn into a tree. Complete bullshit. No one is denying that winter tires perform better in the snow, but it's not the end of the world if you use all-seasons. Yes you will lose like 10ft stopping distance but I'm sure none(okay not none, this is Jalopnik…
Zojirushi is literally the only correct answer. My Zojirushi is 3 1/2 years old,keeps coffee hot as hell all day (8 hours, easily) and is literally one of my five most valuable items I own. Two of the other five are my wife and son.
Zojirushi is literally the only correct answer. My Zojirushi is 3 1/2 years old,keeps coffee hot as hell all day (8…
I've had both Zojirushi and the Contigo and I prefer the Zojirushi. It insulates WAY better and it has a significantly slimmer profile that's easier to put in my bag. Don't get me wrong, the Contigo is well made and the autoseal works. However, it just doesn't keep coffee warm as well on cold days when I'm outside.
I've had both Zojirushi and the Contigo and I prefer the Zojirushi. It insulates WAY better and it has a…
You got it right in the picture. Zojirushi all the way. First day I used it my coffee damn near scalded me 12 hours later. It was somewhat befuddling that it maintained its temperature for so long.
You got it right in the picture. Zojirushi all the way. First day I used it my coffee damn near scalded me 12 hours…
Because I watched this with my friends who just happen to be a body language expert and a facial expression expert. I was with you, I thought he just looked normal. However, after careful review, they came to a mutual conclusion that he expressed enough qualities of someone who has an inflated amusement with oneself…
Ahh.. I see you've played Scully / Screwy before. Nicely done.
Reminds me of that time I went to see Stella live.
I appreciate & acknowledge the guy's gesture, but you're comment just made me puke
If I wanted to know about two useless boobs, I'd lift Angelina Jolie's shirt.
I love them roasted at 400 for 35 minutes after covering in oil and salt. Are these that much better to be worth the 20 dollars or whatever in oil to fry them?
Yeah bars with ice in the urinals are fantastic. I feel like the world's grossest X-Man.
Finally some Blackhawks coverage.