So, the alt-right exists because of your misinterpretation of certain liberal concepts - concepts which have been willfully misrepresented by conservative leaders and pundits?
So, the alt-right exists because of your misinterpretation of certain liberal concepts - concepts which have been willfully misrepresented by conservative leaders and pundits?
Katie Rife’s the reason? All this time I thought it was the racists and morons who wanted to stick it to the libs. I guess I was wrong.
Ah ha! I knew there had to be a reason I was FINALLY able to get an erection again.
Thanks, Tim.
But he’s the President!
Elton John just loves to work, doesn’t he.
I thinks angry vegans are angry because they are hungry.
Here’s the full joke, since you can’t be bothered to google it:
The way you do it is.
That’s a lot of words you used to say that you refuse to look up the context of Wolf’s comments.
So basically, you, Prince Ruprecht, are jumping to conclusions without actually being familiar with the basic facts of what happened?
I’ve never watched Pirates of Penzance, but if there is a whole thread of these I’m gonna read them all.
R Kelly needs to piss off.
See, it’s because he’s confused. He thinks they will be forming the jury pool from people who post on the AV Club.
Do you have examples of where betrayal is condoned by Savage?
Sounds like you hung out with some real pieces of shit and it rubbed off
Troy and Solo in the Falcon!
“Don’t you get it? YOU ARE NOT LIKING THE SAME THINGS I’M LIKING! What is wrong with you?”
Damn the left! .. turning on someone that turns out to be shitty.
You’re mistaking criticism for cannibalism.