
Did a bit of data analysis on Diaz a couple of weeks back, and it seems like the big issue is that, like a lot of guys who throw hard sliders this year, he’s lost the ability to consistently command his slider (seemingly due to the new ball), which is leading to hanging sliders (which get crushed) and guys sitting on

“stuff white people like”

Keep in mind - someone decided this should exist. Someone actually followed through and made it. And someone decided it looked good enough to share.

.......There is truly no way to defend someone who thinks airports existed in the American Revolution.

Just dust this off:

Marvel are paying for C+ reviews?

I think Trish is clearly the Big Bad of the season.

There is -nothing- on Earth that will get white folks with a little power and ego enraged faster then telling them to mind. their. business, second only to not falling on one’s face and begging for forgiveness when said white person doesn’t feel as if he or she is being groveled to enough. The moment their power is

Gotta agree: the handling on this particular segment was terrible, and as much as I’m certain the hosts intended it to be a step forward for women working in the sex industry, the fact that they tried to shut Yuzuki down on several occasions (and “you sure talk a lot” is just the polite way of saying “women are

Right-Wing Nutjob Aborts Full-Term Baby in Public

Hawaii to do list:

Mets fan here. Why the fuck would I pay someone to fucking tell me the Mets suck?? I FUCKING KNOW THAT! I AM A METS FAN.

Fun arcade story time!
A buddy and I spent DOLLARS beating Double Dragon back in the day. On both of our last quarters we managed to use teamwork and beat the final boss. HOWEVA, If you finish the game cooperatively, you and your buddy have to fight to the death to get the girl (because the patriarchy is real and it

CBS could replace Bull with any random NCISCSIMurderPorn show and get the same numbers.

And with that overblown display of fake swag, he most assuredly will never play QB for the New York Football Giants.

I had no idea Dearth Vader was Lunk’s father.

Long time Giants fan. Is it just me, or do Gettleman’s (and the Giants generally) justifications for doing things recently (like trading OBJ, picking Jones over Haskins) come off as racially coded? “Negative culture.” “Mature.” “Fiber.” Hmmmmmmmmmm. Like they get rid of Beckham for complaining that they lose too much