True, but honestly, it’s more likely that there WERE Black people in the room, but if they were brave enough to say all of these things, they were ignored and overruled. Or fired. Sometimes when we speak up about yt nonsense, they just kick us out. (see: the recent string of fashion industry trolling, er stunts, at…
Which one is supposed to be the better looking one?
It sounded better in the original Russian.
Michael, I’m in the greys here, and more than happy to remain there, I just wanted to say thank you for this weekly column. It does wonders to my psyche.
What time does “What Time Does Game of Thrones Start” start?
The irony is that Markakis thought owning all those guns would make him a safe cracker.
I’m in the midst of a complaint as we speak. My boss gets served papers in ten days from the Civil Rights Division and I meet with an attorney today. This has been THE WORST ever. The level of yuckiness that I feel every morning and knowing that I still have to show up and then wondering what will happen when he gets…
So legal doctrine goes out the window when Johnny Law is the defendant. No big surprise, but damn.
In related news, Old Kinja Man Yells at Cloud.
This whole shootout is on video too from multiple cameras.
I’ve never seen a superhero movie. Is this a good place to start?
Based on these two comments, you are on pace to make 730 petty comments this year.
Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!
That wasn’t unexpected.
As a hockey dad/referee: all of this is about not suspending kids at the end of the season as it will carry over into the next no matter what level they are playing at. If this was a midget game, some of those racist kids might still have a year to play. The lizard brains of the president and whatever shit gibbons at…
If sex offenders are unable to vote, they should be unable to be POTUS as well.
OK. This handwriting. This mocking parent. Let’s just, for the moment, assume he doesn’t have a learning disability.