You must be new to Deadspin Barry, we call those dongs here.
You must be new to Deadspin Barry, we call those dongs here.
My family and friends don’t understand why I buy rusty, dilapidated vehicles. “Why not purchase something that…
Gotta brake boost for those highway pulls brah.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
My highschool auto shop had those rolling jacks on our four post. In my opinion I will always prefer a conventional 2 post lift do to the extra manuvering room (I’m 6' 4") you have under the car because you don’t have the ramps that the car sits on. I did however get highly acquainted with the four post lift because…
I haven’t connected the air lines for the jack yet, but I certainly will when I change the brakes on the Aston.
Pretty sure I saw Van Maggots open for Motley Crue in the ‘80s.
Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.
I mean... you could. “We win too much to be cheating” isn’t a great argument.
sorry, this article is borderline clickbait. You spent the day at auction - that is no open to the public with a highly experienced buyer and your article took me literally 1 minute to read and I walked away none the wiser.
I enjoyed the whole thing, but I’ll make a counterpoint.
The same Chiefs that are responsible for 2 of the Raiders’ 3 losses somehow aren’t a threat?
Sure, they can show that you can win races - but given that the races they’re trying to win have all the cars limited in their engine size, what does that actually prove?
Can we just stop the anthem at sporting events? I mean maybe championship games or something but come on. It’s so stupid. Plus I would love to see the outpouring of vitriol from people who truly do base their lives on the anthem, and hold it sacrosanct.
“On the flip side, at least the press and political opposition will find it easy to police Mr. Trump’s business conflicts compared with many other conflicts that presidents are heir to.”
it’s like water-repellent varnish!
What kind of American would buy a Chevy Cruze when you can have a Camaro for under $20,000?
Because blocking lanes on bridges. Thanks Christie!