
Of course, because we’re all 50 y/0 creeps chasing after kids. I’m gonna tell you something that may blow your mind ok?

Your government, wherever you live, is not the international authority on relationships. Don’t pretend you know everything about the human psyche either. Case in point, I’m currently 25 and my gf is

I didn’t have any sex when I was a teenager... does that mean I missed out? Should I aspire towards vacuous sex with teenagers because I’d lack in life experience otherwise?

You’ve given my life a new direction, friend.

I puked in my mouth a little... Actually, almost all the comments in this article scare the living shit outta me.

I’m not very fond of “HD remakes”. For me, just upping some texture and UI resolutions doesn’t warrant an entire new release.

If they want MY money they had better go the full monty with updated models, new graphics and everything. And make a WC3 remake while they’re at it.

And here I was thinking people finally thought sex wasn’t worse than killing!

I was actually impressed by his wry-smiling skills.

Portal: Valve bought the devs and their game concept
TF2: Remake of a mod
Dota 2: Remake of a mod
Counterstrike GO: Remake of a mod

So their last original game release was Episode 2
Although in Valve’s defense, TF2 and in a lesser extent Dota 2 barely resemble their predecessors and as such I am willing to count those as

Wow, I’ve never had blood coming out of my eyes and ears while reading a comment on the internet before.

Nice try, Bastion player.

I had to make an account just because this entire article got on my nerves.

As someone who’s in a relationship with a minor (no not some cultural bullshit, just your average white European) it just pains me that everyone is assumes its ALWAYS an unhealthy, predatory relationship between two people with age difference.