
I would also like to point out that the games are a sequel to the books anyhow. So even if they did co-exist you wouldn’t see stuff from the games until like season 5 or so. Overall the games really respects the original books. It feels like they could have been natural progressions of the books. I would say the

So we live in a world now that a man clearly states that he doesn’t want to put himself into any temptation that could hurt himself and his wife and he’s being condemned for it. Honestly that sounds like we should have more men like that. We spend a lot of time at work, usually more than with our spouses/significant

Wanting to text each other all day? Still laugh and goof off? Still have sex? I mean it all sounds like she wants some cake and icing. Sounds like she might want to date while still having a “back up” plan to fall back on if the dating life sucks. She might as well have asked for an open marriage.

I can’t believe Ubisoft had to release an apology for that. I’m willing to bet the outrage culture we live in is a bunch of trolls that do this stuff to elicit reactions.  

Well druid can ramp on two of those turns. So they cast this. Then you know on your turn 4, they will have 7 mana and for the next 4 turns have fun dealing with bomb after bomb after bomb. Druid should be good at everthing, not the best. Yet here we are. They are better than Warrior with armor and taunts. They are

I think SE should stick to discussing titles that are about to release. So they did. I’m okay with them not talking about titles that might not come out until next generation.

The biggest problem is the triple red cost “restriction” isn’t a restriction in this format. Mono Red has been the overall best deck for 2 years. This creature just slotted right in with no repercussions. Back that with the overall best proactive cards being red these days (Chandra, Haz, Phoenix) the deck can easily

What a piece of shit article. I would be down for some playful ribbing but you attack his intelligence for no reason. I watched that game and not only is that a terrible match up for his deck, he drew incredibly poor as well. Also he played at a GP and he’s a casual player. No need to attack his intelligence. So