
Will, you don't have to hold back for us. We'll stick around. Look at it this way: it's not as if Simmons will ever state, "This is the last Celtics column for a while, we promise."

@Bejeezus: Manwich is more appropriate, considering what it's made out of.

If you think the 9/11 coverage is overboard, just wait until we come up on the one-year anniversary of Cory Lidle. I'm planning to take a week off of work for that one.

@Silky John-STON!: Actually, I laughed more at Simmons' column. To be fair, they were both slightly better than re-reading our corporate wellness brochure for the 20th time. I should have printed one of them for the bathroom, though. Now I have to wade through the Internets to see if there's something on-par with

Fred Fluffer

If you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me...

Eddie Griffin DUI = boom.

I'm rarely inclined to complain about such things, but I feel like Deadspin has been ruined for me. If you want to display more ads, don't bother with all this "click through" nonsense, just load up the side margin with double or triple the ads and let me read what I want to read without having to click the mouse 200

@Steve518: I sort-of got that. Happy Father's Day, Jorge!