Brian Triplett

Tell me about it. My favorite era of DC comics was basically from 1986 to 2001. As far as I can tell, my whole comic book collection was rendered out of continuity by changes they made after Dan DiDio replaced Paul Levitz. I finally stopped buying DC stuff in 2003 because I wasn't enjoying the comics enough to

It's required.

There are a lot of great female musicians and songwriters. Taylor Swift is not one of them.

I would be really surprised to find out that any white person is actually hurt by the word cracker. Sort of like how being called a breeder by an LGBTQ person is mostly just kind of annoying rather than feeling like hate speech.

I just hope he isn't supposed to be J.R.R. Tolkien.

That's why I liked it.

Maybe I'm just bitter because I'm going to miss #HashtagWars, but his statement sounds like complete b.s. to me. He probably just felt overworked now that he's hosting a real game show and his talk show, so he quit the worst paying gig.

There are people here who make me mad sometimes. But sometimes I appreciate comments they make. Going by your rules, those people should be dead to me and I should just save myself some time and block them. Because anything multiplied by zero…

Davison seemed really bland and boring compared to Tom Baker. I didn't enjoy all the stuff with him taking a long time to recover after his regeneration. They tried to make him more limited and realistic than Pertwee and Baker and that made the stories less fun. He spent a lot of time getting flustered in

Actually, and I know this because I watched her show on Fox a lot, she went against the party line fairly often and sounded a lot more reasonable than most of the other people who got regular airtime.

She was pretty hard on Alex Jones and called him an irresponsible liar. The weird part about that segment was that it just sort of abruptly stopped at a point where it sounded like they were going to come back from commercial with more stuff about how much Jones sucks as a human being and… instead they went to a puff

I hate the way young people use woke as an adjective because it sounds grammatically wrong and it seems like aware or some other word should be used instead.

I think it's supposed to imply that the force took a break after Return of the Jedi and now it's time to get back to work.

Rogue One is like they found some really good fan fiction on some old Geocities site and decided to adapt it as a movie.

Hi, English major here. I wrote a book, if that means anything.

I hated Eccleston's Doctor. It took me a long time to finally get caught up on the new series because I couldn't get past my "Tom Baker was so much better than this jerk" thing to give him or Tennant a fair chance to win me over. And just when reruns got me to love Tennant, I discovered that I kind of hated Matt

I guess you don't hang out at io9. They pretty much want every white male action hero to be replaced by somebody more diverse. Preferably Idris Elba unless the character knows kung fu.

The Burton twist is about the only thing that is straight out of the book those movies were based on.

Someone needs to do a painting of Bannon as Baron Harkonnen.

Yup. As a Christian, it really bothers me how other Christians stand up for the guy basically because he gave that one speech where he talked about being raised in the church and proved that he owns a Bible before getting the name of the book he referenced wrong. Somehow, that canceled out all that crap that should