Aint no goats passing bridges on Thursdays
Aint no goats passing bridges on Thursdays
Fuck Riven
Baldurs Fucking Gate…….I believe the original was, what, 3 discs and somewhere down the line the third disc got scratched and I wasted 40 odd hours of my life for nothing.
See…..even if you did, why would you pick the most populace place on the East coast to do it?
I mean, the cities are pretty up to date and maintain strong tech, finance and telecom industries.
I'll give them a mulligan because there was an hour and a half rain delay, so 4 1/2 hours for 15 innings or so wasn't terrible.
Rammstein concert outside Worcester MA 2011(ish).
That…….that just sounds terrifying.
OMG SAM BEE DESTROYS (insert name here).
Two things:
For 98% of the AV club commentariat, Yes
God I miss the lat 90's/early 00's.
I mean….I aint going to lie, I listened to both but looking back, White Zombie had so much potential.
I don't see any mention of strange pet cemetary's or alien nvasions
How people gonna know it's a Honda without the H?
different strokes, different folks.
And threw snowballs.
I don't he realizes how hard it is to get 18 adults together to play baseball.
What are you talking about……they always have seasons and almost always get renewed.
Look on the bright side, at leas you have the Knicks