Brian the Cheeseman

There might have been some fears that the movie bombed….but I remember that they seemed to escape that.

Gilbert's a moron but they have a championship. That'll basically buy him 50 years.

He said he wanted a drink, so I sent him to the monkey bars.

It's funny because your a cigarette

Red Sox still grinding out games. No idea how the playoffs will go, but they should make the playoffs.

I was under the impression that he basically already was.

I'm pretty sure I saw him kicking around yesterday

Always thought the show sounded like some crappy version of Adam's Room (kinda of an oxymoron by saying crappy version but you get what I mean)

The Borgias?

Tudors taught me how to date Natalie Dortmer though……so I came out ahead.

Also, apparently people didn't know this was a thing(don't know how), but grilled sardines are delicious.

It's very uncomfortable.

Did they put them in a tree museum?

Just hosed down an Italian grinder………I'm in a good place right now

"Puts on Flame Suit"

Red Sox game went to 1 am last night…too much booze

Ehh..I thought it was a pretty decent game for the Gamecube. I certainly put enough hours into it.

God… spicy foods or fish would be the death of me, especially no shellfish.

Face of Boe?

Sounds like somebody is already baked.