
Shinjuku. Tokyo, Japan. By Matt Sutton.

Now playing

Coming next year to the PS4 from Sony in-house studio PixelOpus, Concrete Genie is a game about a bullied teen named Ash who uses magical paint to bring his abandoned home town back to life. It’s quite lovely.

I’m firm of the belief elimination modes are the peak of shooter multiplayer in regards to team coordination and match intensity. Ever since Gears 1 it’s been my absolute favorite game mode to mess around in. It requires to always been hyper alert and often times really pushes you to your limits when it comes to

This, and the people who use proper military jargon in Battlefield games, are a fucking treasure. I really hope to play with someone like this someday.

I think, in general, context and authorial intent are important but all media can say things they aren’t intending to. Twilight is both an ode to chastity and mormonism and ALSO a story about a teenage girl who’s only goals in life are to get fucked and become immortal, ya feel me?

Newsflash: Guy attempting to make living playing video games is socially awkward and lacks respect for woman. News at 10.

My nephew tried this, but apparently a hero who controls butts is not within the scope of their “artistic design”.