Class A(ction) At least that's what I got out of it.
Class A(ction) At least that's what I got out of it.
Costs seem to be rising already — looks like the worlds most advanced war vessel will need the worlds most advanced feminine hygiene product. I wonder if there's an NSN for the iPad.
Hopefully he was a better driver than actor. Wasn't he a president or something too?
Doubt it — reports say there was an asshole driving this one... That pretty well confirms that it's a Bimmer.
This would make me barking mad if I had to hear it again.
In typical NATO stock speak this would be called Ship - Combat Littoral
*sigh* And still... I can only afford the crate :(
@DrunkenMessiah: You're genius.
@pauljones: Wow Paul... Just wow... More people need to read this, and I'm Canadian.
@Middleswine: COTD?
@FightingChance: This is something that is more useful in cold climates... When the car's coolant temperature is low the heater won't blow hot air. As the Fit doesn't have a temperature gauge, it's handy to know when to turn on the heater so that you aren't getting ice cold air in the middle of winter. Also in the…
@87CapriceEstate: They just really stand out on a car you already don't want to have plates disrupting. My car still has them on it :P, it's been parked since I moved.
@87CapriceEstate: Where are you living now? I'm back in Ontario, but like I said I was in Manitoba.... Which had horrid plates.
@87CapriceEstate: Yup, your plates follow you, not the car. Same with Manitoba where I was living, you can attach your plate to your new car OR get a new plate.
@87CapriceEstate: It's been rectified now, the only issue is the vanity plates with the logos now. I prefer the black truck plates, they look a lot sharper and neater than the blue does.
@Tvaan: This Merc will stay through hard times and bad. Go MercMarine!
@raggedtoad: I fold.
@humjaba: Okay I got a good chuckle from that one, I never thought of that one.