Brian O'Kongkohwer

And "obviously" you are not a mature critic - not understanding the CLEAR distinction between criticizing the unconvincing but charming woodenness of the actor vs the role of the character the writers scripted "saving her". It's clear you have a crush on the actor & or character - suggesting you are not clear eyed

And you're apparently a woman getting lost in your emotional story while missing my actor performance point. That is different than a point about the character which I also separately understand without you telling me the obvious :D

"The Rockwell Files"?
On a TV/ Media site?
I take it Johnathan Putz is a millie. Oh it's "Peltz". Well who reads anymore? Clearly not the editor. Wait, no editors in the W.W. Web Era ? Right - can't afford 'em anymore. Not ones that can be bothered to tear away from X BOX to Fact Check with a rudimentary Google search

Now you're making me crazy hungry for gumbeaux, talkin' like dat!

Just die already, will ya spam scum? All these fake crap ads are like demons popping up from fallen burned up leaves.

The main concern here is do Nazis serve something better than complimentary peanuts like gold lager on a 2 hour supersonic flight?

I hear you - but that doesn't explain the "verisimilitude" of why the aikidoka gaijin falls for a guy with the emotiveness of a kumquat. It detracts from her character for me. Maybe she's just a little more shallow than I'd like to believe and it's his looks she gloms onto? Or her daddy issues are so powerful she

I like the show overall and very much - but be specific what everyone is missing here. Or are you grandstanding how smart you are? Joe comes off as one dimensional and I don't believe the "chemistry" tween him and Juliana - but no fault of the actress. It's Joe that's the problem for me whether it's how he's (not)

Well - obsequious idolizing and resentment can be 2 sides of the same coin here in Hollyweird. I've seen/heard some fans turn on celebrity idols in public when their "gods" aren't gratifying them or fulfilling their needs and expectations in public with an autograph or pic etc. Childan is a simp. But yes, I found the

I'm fascinated by commenters who are befuddled by a question readily answerable on Google with a few taps and a click. Are they lazy or…? And not all even have "Slaphead" for surnames.

No fair comparing a kid who's a couple years younger than his already young character to Mitchum and Bogie - especially after they hit 35 on. That's like comparing Howitzers to a sparkler.