Brian Mieszala

One less jackhole competing for that CE. Fine by me

Its a shitty answer from Yoshi-P, and shitty reasons, but the outrage is pointless for exactly what you describe. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can name all ethnic FF characters on both hands, from across the entire series. Many of the big ones are essentially over embellished caricatures (see: Barret, Sahz). 

This is literally the only shitty thing about the system still

Nope, not complicated anymore. Anyone who still struggles has only themselves to blame for not understanding it.

At this point, if you don’t understand if yoy are playing a ps4 vs ps5 version of a game, I’m convinced you also went to Ask Jeeves to take you to yahoo. 90% of the time it’s not difficult, convoluted or complicated. Smart delivery, while usually great, also takes any kind of choice away from you, so you are forced to

First off, fuck Elon Musk. Sure he’s done some great and impressive things, but he is also an immensely shitty individual. While the rant could have been condensed severely, OP was correct in calling out Kotaku. Nibel primarily quit because it just wasn’t a sustainable business / profession / source of income for the

She’s a streamer who is, with all due respect to her and what she does, is buoyed by the fact that people can go watch her fuck for days. She’s arguably most famous for how easily she (used to be able to easily) make herself squirt, an unfortunate outcome of her injury that she herself has mentioned but which has been

They lso omitted the part of her original post, post surgery, describing how her days of squirting are probably over. Another important context clue

Im really enjoying the game, it’s a great mid tier quality game in an industry inundated with small indies and massive blockbusters. It doesn't really feel like a $60 game though, it feels like it should have cost $50 or even $40. Really enjoying it regardless, and I'm really excited to play VP Lenneth again when that

I remember paying $90 for SNES games. What’s your point? Oh, I assume it’s to just complain about everything and feed into this “game needs to give me X hours of entertainment per hour to justify Y price” bullshit narrative.

Thats typically where the costs come from, financing a new phone. Most plans cost $30-40 a month, and a lot of carriers are offering plans without contracts. Hell, even Verizon has a $60 a month plan, no contract.

I think what made the online such a success is because you became invested in the world and characters through the story, which made buying a condo in X part of town cool because of what you did there, or doing a mission for Y character because you worked with them in the story.

Oh shit, it’s a modern day Dragon Quest - becomes - Dragon Warrior in the west for no reason - becomes - Dragon Quest again situation.

Off the top of my head there was an SNK vs Capcom game, Phantasy Star Online, Eve online, Dust 514, FFXI, and I think a Need for Speed? This was all pre ps4 btw


No, Microsoft set the precedent that the competition followed, mostly because they had no choice, and only turned it around when they were getting soundly destroyed in sales and they decided to save face by suddenly being pro consumer. It's all bullshit anyway, since buying up all these studios and walling off massive

Sony was doing what Microsoft did the generation before. 

You mean they continued the trend originally set by Microsoft in locking out opposing ecosystems. MS did it during the 360 /ps3 generation, which is why we had so many cross play games between Sony consoles and PC, until Xbox was getting utterly destroyed during the ps4 /xb1 Gen and did everything they could to become

The kotaku hard on for shitting on Cyberpunk continues 

You can’t regularly do that. Its a bit of an oversight and exploit that you can only use once, and its not well known where everyone does it. I’m sure there will plenty of workarounds and cheap ways to get PS Now that will translate to cheaper higher tiers of the new PS+, but they are finite and won't last, like your