Brian McKeever

I'm not sure how you can say Ed Harris's character doesn't quite work, when we have no idea where the show is going with him or the larger plot. Personally, I loved the wildcard element he brings to the proceedings.

You are being way too kind—the Fear pilot was BORING. Not just because of the lack of action, but because all of the characters were about as bland as vanilla pudding—even the heroin addict. Was this REALLY the best the best collapse scenario the producers could come up with?

I can't believe I've bcome so old that there are tv reviewers out there now who had never watched WKRP in Cincinnati. From the very first episode (airing when I was in Junior High School), it was my favorite show, BECAUSE it was so dark. There is another first season episode where the station nearly gets destroyed

Not to mention that next week it looks like we are finally going to get the prison-Governor showdown (as depicted in the graphic novels) that SHOULD have ended season three. This show is just spinning its wheels.

Watched it last night. WILDLY uneven to say the least, probably in part because it was so low budget. They never show any of the government forces that were allegedly sealing off the town from the outside, for example. Too bad the best half dozen or so scenes can't be excised and placed into a better movie.

Watched it last night. WILDLY uneven to say the least, probably in part because it was so low budget. They never show any of the government forces that were allegedly sealing off the town from the outside, for example. Too bad the best half dozen or so scenes can't be excised and placed into a better movie.

Lori had an even worse death in the graphic novel series, with her and the baby being shot down in cold blood.  As dark as the show has been, it so far still hasn't been as dark as the books.  The Governor, for example, is not nearly as unhinged as he is in the books.  The point is that the living humans are worse

Lori had an even worse death in the graphic novel series, with her and the baby being shot down in cold blood.  As dark as the show has been, it so far still hasn't been as dark as the books.  The Governor, for example, is not nearly as unhinged as he is in the books.  The point is that the living humans are worse