If somebody has chosen a career as a sex worker, I fail to see why it’s so terrible to offer to pay them for sex.
If somebody has chosen a career as a sex worker, I fail to see why it’s so terrible to offer to pay them for sex.
If somebody has chosen a career as a sex worker, I fail to see why it’s so terrible to offer to pay them for sex.
Kathy Griffith did the same joke too.
Pushing her off? I haven’t listened to the audio, but I’m assuming it is pretty clear that he wasn’t on the balcony with her.
Yeah, I don’t think she forgot to include that information. It’s Jezebel, the last thing they are concerned about is fair and balanced reporting.
Shhhhhhh. I don’t want this article to give Jerry Brown any more ideas on who else to let out of prison early.
Not in a million years. I loathe politics.
The stats are from the department of labor so they are definitely not bogus. If you factor public sector jobs into the mix it still only comes out to about 11% of jobs being unionized. By no stretch of the imagination could either of these numbers be considered “most companies”.
Emma Bunton is Baby Spice. The blonde with the pigtails.
So who do you support? Fewer than 7% of private sector jobs in the US are unionized. How do you get anything done if you only support unionized companies?
You could say that about any present, couldn’t you? A present is just stuff until you declare it to be a present for whatever occasion you’re marking.
What am I missing in the Selma/Jurassic World comparision? An almost entirely CGI reboot of a beloved blockbuster franchise OF COURSE is going to have a budget that size. Frankly, that sounds on the low side to me. Is she really implying that it has something to do with gender and not that it was fucking Jurassic…
The popularity of Bernie and Trump showed that there are a hell of a lot of people out there who don’t want the political status quo anymore. Both sides are ripe for a grassroots movement, similar to what the tea party did a few years back. That flamed out really quickly, but they did succeed in getting some…
I read an article a few months back, I think by Dan Savage but not sure. He basically said the same thing, that if third parties ever want a chance at actually becoming viable candidates, they need do more than just throw out a presidential candidate every 4 years then disappear. They need to start working on winning…
The hair seems way too casual for that amazing dress though.
Nah, it had to involve the words “Trump” and “pussy”.
We have our first volunteer
Oh Lord, you’re one of those. Did you ever stop to think that I dismissed your opinion because Madonna is the most influential female musician who has ever lived? Her impact on the world has been exponentially greater than Lauryn Hill’s, whose primary influence on the world has turned out to be a cautionary tale of…
Yeah, unfortunately I’m not shocked by that. RuPaul has said a few times on his podcast that you should never meet your idols because there are too many people in the industry that are just horrible. I’d much rather stay oblivious in Madonna’s case. If it didn’t happen to me, there’s plausible deniability.
I’m sorry, your opinion lost all meaning when you stated that Madonna isn’t all that influential.