Ahh, but it was the strawberries… That's where I had them!!
Ahh, but it was the strawberries… That's where I had them!!
Well, we at least know he likes pimento.
Definitely a bigger dick in real life than onscreen.
"Albuquerque: City Without Pity"
Or Natalie Portman in Leon The Professional!
Maybe Gomez. Dean Norris is on record saying he wouldn't be back. But then Connery said he was done with Bond after You Only Live Twice. Guess it depends on the paycheck.
Shit can lead to getting crushed by ATMs.
In San Antonio, it's called El Pollo Loco.
Kinda goes along with his piece of shit car.
I thought for a moment there that Jimmy was going to go off on another rant.
I'll buy that.
I'm sure that was a backhanded reference to what Gus's partner Max got at the pool.
Who would he face-off against?
Except for the gas lantern on the newspaper, what did Mike take pics of and to what end?
The honey badger of Albuquerque.
I wonder how many outlets he has. Only ever see him at this one.
Edit. On second thought, I think the courier went to a different one when Mike was trailing him in the gas cap episode.
I think he still has a payout coming, but not till the case is settled, which I recall someone saying would be years.
No, you'd figure if there was a slaughter in a fast food joint folks would stay away from that location in droves, and it's still in business in BB.
I was wondering if Chuck would have his "assistant" call to complain about the handyman bringing power tools to the job despite instructions, only to find out that the appt had been canceled.
I thought they said in BB that he had a stroke…