Brian Kern

First of all, the article came directly from NewsCore, which granted is a overarching entity over Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and other news sources, but merely reports the findings of a study. Oh and guess what, I found it on Discovery News too! What bothers me is that Mr. Gonzales, this thread's author, is

How does being opposed to abortion make me a women hater? I'm not "anti-choice", I just would like people to make the "choice" a little earlier in the evening. Not only that, but what about the emotional toll having an abortion exerts on a woman? Or the father of the child? I don't think we need to even talk about

As a conservative and pro-life supporter, I can't actually see what good a 72 hour waiting period is going to accomplish. From what I understand, most women who seek abortions think about it beforehand, sometimes with emotional anguish. What is waiting 72 hours, or even 2 hours, going to change for her? Why not

Fun. I watched The Ring with my boss one evening and the next morning I finally had the guts to watch the "special" - the actual tape. Right after I was done the damn phone rang. It took me eleven rings to answer. It was my boss, wondering when I was coming in. LOL. Awesome.

Wait a moment. Last time I checked, you can still put your child up for adoption, right? So how is it that these low-income women who couldn't afford to murder their unwanted baby don't offer the child up for adoption? Talk about some flawed logic here. Last time I checked, the Roman Catholic church offers ALL

They didn't "pass" him up. They wanted him. The problem was that Brosnan was locked into Remington Steele at the time and couldn't get free of it. Which is why they went with Dalton and there were only two Dalton Bond films. I personally feel that Brosnan was one of the best Bonds. He brought back the class that

While I have no doubt that a few, maybe SOME of these portraits were completed while feeling the effects of the drugs, I find it suspicious that each individual portrait has the artist not only expressing the different influence via style, but also in his portrait's expressions. Like the nitro oxide portrait

@Truth_Takes_Time_: I'm not so sure Chloe couldn't pull it off. Remember, Katniss is 14 in the first book. As far as Hunger Games being the next Twlight? Only in popularity. The third book ends with something of a thick and rather vicious dose of the realities of war.

I keep watching this show because I can't stand folding laundry without SOMETHING to watch. I still have problems with how unprofessional Myka and Pete are. How the hell did they ever become Secret Service agents? It's just nuts. I realize that a lot of people like this show for its humor, but trust me... it would

@SinisterBill: Seriously? Harrison messed it up? Damn... guess I'll check it out at the library before I buy it then. Damn.

The Rat is back! I have loved the Stainless Steel Rat since I was in eighth grade. Suave, sophisticated, and yet so totally unscrupulous. I have every Rat book on my shelf and will gladly add this to the collection.

@ElimGarak: LOL I understand your frustration. do the Heisenberg Compensators work? They work very well, thank you. I agree with you that accurate science enriches story telling, and Eureka certainly has there fair share of bad science. But what makes Eureka good is the comedy, the acting, and the funny

@ElimGarak: Now you're upset about the science? You're kidding me! The science on Eureka has been gobbledegook since day one! Graviphotons my ass. If you're watching this show for the science it's time to turn on PBS and watch NOVA. It won't be as fun, but it will be scientifically accurate.

I think they should have just stuck with starships, and avoided the whole captaincy and super computer stuff.

You know, I tried so hard. I really did. I watched all of season one and even watched the season two premier, but I just can't do it. Warehouse 13 is just so campy that it's tough to keep myself from shouting at the television "NO DAMN IT. You need to either ask nicely or get a warrant!" I'm pretty sure it's not

I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. Oh wait, I'll just go get my DVD copies of Avatar: The Last Airbender out and watch them instead.

This article assumes way too much. It assumes that "light" sabers are just that: light. Maybe they're something else? plasma perhaps? There is actually a working prototype of a plasma sword. Yes, currently it's plugged into a power converter the size of a small VW bug, and yes, it has a power cable, and yes, when