Rhymes with Cryin' Bud


No love for RV? For shame.

Yeah, yeah, important things, blah blah blah.

Oh, Mr. Greene!

Did Spider-Man's origin have anything to do with the Macho Man Randy Savage?

Not to mention the son of a former Major League Baseball Commissioner!

Who said it's too late?!?

Have you guys heard a word I've said?

It's really unfair to take The Rock's words out of context.

My fiancee bought me the (available) DVDs a couple years ago for Christmas. That show is just as good, if not better, for adults than it was for kids.

I like that as a sort of shocking "this isn't your father's Mission: Impossible" moment - to a lesser extent, like the opening of "Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me" being a television being smashed out of nowhere.

Also - Greg Kinnear!

This most recent time I went into it as an adult knowing Barry Sonnenfeld directed it, and you can totally see how it's almost Men in Black - Light

As people here have mentioned, they already had the benefit of the TV theme, but the music throughout was so good on top of that. (The arrangement of the theme though - amazing.)

The one that sticks out to me is Wrongfully Accused with Leslie Nielsen.

B&B in fact has a very non-apathetic romance subplot!

Something being a cliche doesn't matter if it's done well.

Catherine Zeta-Joooooooonesss!

It really taught me that there's a wonderful and exciting world out there where we discover that we don't need TV to entertain us.

Just rewatched Values a couple months ago. Forget dark comedy, that was pitch-blackā€¦and help up excellently.