
I'd have trouble keeping 15 songs.

The White Album would have been a great single album. But they were a completely dysfunctional band at that point, so everyone got all their shitty songs on the album. If they were working as a team during the recording, half those songs would have been relegated to the bin. They only would have been heard 40 years

Of the two, I prefer Sgt Pepper. I'd much prefer a band that pushes boundaries and challenges their fans to hate their new sound to one that content to stay within their small, self contained world. Sure there is some filler on Sgt Pepper, but Pet Songs is almost all filler. Well crafted filler, but unmemorable it

Fawlty Towers took 4 years between seasons, so I think I can wait 18 months.

Dead Kennedys - Chickenshit Conformist

Urban Dance Squad - Thru the Eyes of Jason

Michael Bay should direct a Casablanca reboot.

Well the first episode had zero funny, so it couldn't have gotten less funny.

I watched the first episode when it first aired, and I couldn't bring myself to watch a second. It was so long ago, I don't remember any specifics, but it wasn't funny, it wasn't clever, and it wasn't intriguing.

Clearly this is proof that he's already got the role, but has to wait for the official announcement. Until then, he must disavow any interest or possibility of getting the role. Never believe rumors until it is officially denied.

Thanks for your meaningful contribution.

I remember driving from Kansas City to Springfield to see Lucious Jackson, an all female band on the Beastie Boys label. I arrived early and grabbed a spot dead center, front row. On the stage was a chair and microphone. The lights went out, and a young man took the stage with a weird looking acoustic guitar and

If you don't mind reading, Robert McNamara wrote a wonderful book that covers much of what The Fog of War did. In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam

Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

If you take out the songs that Stuart didn't sing (especially Beyond the Sunrise and The Wrong Girl), Fold Your Hands Child would have a much better reputation.