
I want a Balor vs. Neville feud for the Cruiserweight title. Then just let Balor work 20 minute matches every week on Raw against guys like Neville, Tozawa, Mustafa Ali, Jack Gallagher, Gran Metalik, etc. That's a better use of him than a feud with Elias Sampson or six man tags with The Hardys. Then, eventually, call

I've been drinking in the irony that this whole "Let's lynch Gene for his arrogant opinions and insensitivity" narrative is being preached by people so quick to be condescending jerks to anyone that doesn't share their vitriol by needlessly calling them assholes for offering their perspective. Not to mention those

I've been drinking in the irony that this whole "Let's lynch Gene for his arrogant opinions and insensitivity" narrative is being preached by people so quick to be condescending jerks to anyone that doesn't share their vitriol by needlessly calling them assholes for offering their perspective. Not to mention those

I'v been drinking in the irony that this whole "Let's lynch Gene for his arrogant opinions and insensitivity" narrative is being preached by people so quick to be condescending jerks to anyone that doesn't share their vitriol by needlessly calling them assholes for offering their perspective. Not to mention those

I've been drinking in the irony that this whole "Let's lynch Gene for his arrogant opinions and insensitivity" narrative is being preached by people so quick to be condescending jerks to anyone that doesn't share their vitriol by needlessly calling them assholes for offering their perspective. Not to mention those

My reply to this disappeared, so here's another attempt. Last time I checked, this was a discussion forum. I thought that meant anyone can have any "take" on anything. I offered my "take" on Gene's comments. Nowhere did I say that I agreed with his views. In fact, I emphatically used adjectives like narrow minded

Its a discussion board. Anyone can have a "take" on anything. I have a "take" on Gene's comments. I don't agree with them. I've stated that multiple times but you keep glossing over that part because you're bothered that I don't share your vitriol and offer some context into where i think he was coming ftom based

So mature of you. Way to prove you're a better human being than Gene Simmons. By the way, you aren't saying it to my face, you're saying it behind a keyboard as Waffilicious. And its still unnececessary and uncalled for. You can disagree with my take on things without it.

I'm not trying to "tell" you anything. I am offering my take based on years of listening to his egodriven nonsense. I think he's full of himself and narrow minded but I've also seen the guy with kids with cancer, give a kid in a wheelchair his bass guitar, and tear up upon are seeing a father and little kid in his

Well played, Sir.

It's cool. It was stupid of me to just assume you'd remember one of those articles verbatim to get where I was going. And I can see where my tone came off a little pissy. Almost like I was saying, "Yeah, I like KISS. Tell me I'm an asshole!" And you did!

I thought maybe you'd get the reference since you had just pointed out the chain of articles, and I believe that was the most recent "Learn Goddamn English!" one, maybe you'd laugh or get where I was coming from, and not take it all so seriously.

Actually, I just preferred the studio version of Black Diamond to the Alive! version but still give the win to The Replacements. It's just a damn good cover. They're not trying to replicate the Kiss version.

Go with the Alive! version.

I love both but also prefer The Replacements. I also prefer the KISS version of "Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio" to the Ramones. It's the only cover on the Ramones tribute album I preferred to the original.

Well, I didn't actually say he wasn't an asshole, did I? The thing with Gene is up until a few years ago, he was still cognizant of staying in line when espousing his views. He was careful to not upset the fan base and hurt the KISS brand. He now simply doesn't care.

Well, I didn't exactly deny he was an asshole, did I? There just used to be a side of him that was at least cognizant of walking the line to not upset the fan base or hurt the Kiss brand. Now that there is no worry about finances, or fan sensitivity, he's lost it. He sees himself as rock's Donald Trump not

Just adding that the one article I read regarding Gene's asshole tour started by saying "a band mostly championed by assholes." That's what I was referring to when you pointed out the link chain of Gene Simmons being a fucking asshole. You didn't write that but it bothered me and my point was all of us listen to

Thanks. Appreciated.