B in Raleigh

There are products that will remove the old clear coat without messing up the base coat, which can happen if you sand. That a good rinse/dry and a couple cans of 2k clear coat and you’ll be good to go.

If the only thing the employee did was criticize the CEO, then their firing is questionable. That said most company policies do limit the employee’s rights to disparage others in the company publicly as it causes the brand to be diminished.

Just ask the Washington post about Felicia Sonmez

I had the same problem with a cheap Amazon cable years ago. My Pixel 2XL wouldn’t charge with it. That was almost 4 years ago and I just stopped buying Amazon Basic anything at that point.

There idea that the daughter of a multimillionaire was broke is funny.

As a mustang owner, I know the driving in this ad is about as tame as it gets. There was no gratuitous burn-outs. No heavy acceleration, just a person enjoying a car that sounds like a car.

Hillary and savvy do not belong in the same sentence.

No Comey's letter didn't cost her the election. People stupid enough to vote for Hillary wouldn't be swayed by anything Come said.

Be nice to the morons that voted for Hillary

Even when the person that she claims was also there says she is lying.

Did he? You don’t know. The person she claims that was also there says it didn’t happen.

He was, then we elected Trump.

While president Trump isn’t anyone’s first choice, he is bringing jobs back, the lowest unemployment for minorities, and the first real increase in median income for decades.

Have these employees also written their Senators and Congress members to change the law? Probably not.

It turns out that it was under President Obama that kids were actually placed in cages. It also turns out that under President Obama more than twice as many children were separated from the adults that brought them to this country. Those are the real facts.

Actually he sucked as a President. I expect nothing less now that he is no longer the President.

When the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, had a supermajority in the Senate and the Presidency they gave us the pieces of crap we currently have. You have to wonder why. It is not just the Republicans that are in the pockets of the health care industry. The Democrats actually get more than the

The reason that the DNC is focusing on white voters is that white voters are leaving the Democrat party. If black voters where abandoning the DNC they would pay attention to you.

So next year when Samsung announced they still support wireless charging and still has an oled display on the Galaxy S9 are you going to claim they are copying Apple, which is supposed to announce these features are finally available on an iPhone? If Apple finally adds the ability to add a memory card to the iPhone

So why does he require a Visa, or Visa waiver, to return “home”?

The biggest yawn Apple has made to date. So Apple is finally catching up to Amazon a Alexa and Google Home. Announcing they are using the latest Intel processors that everyone else switched to last December.