BrianGriffin has no patience for this

Are there non-painful DMV offices?

There aren’t reservations about getting a passport, it’s more that there are reservations about carrying it for domestic travel given the much greater pain involved in replacing it and the additional risks including identify theft if it’s lost. There’s literally no reason to carry a passport for domestic travel in the

Let’s not plush-shame.  Lord knows I have  far far FAR too many plushes I share my bed with, and one always comes with me on trips.  And WHOMST AMONG US would not have a custom toilet seat if we could.

My 40-year-old teddy had to be restuffed and re-fluffed (heh.)

I think it’s probably the source of a lot of his rage and aggressiveness and it only made him more determined to force himself on women. Like, they’re never going to choose him for his dick or his face but he’ll use his power and money to force them to give him what he otherwise could never have.

The best reboot I can throw at you is Ocean’s 11. It far exceeds the original. So maybe give it a generation or two before a reboot becomes a good idea. I also like Reboot, but that is about turning reboots on their head.

Seems like starting with fax machines and email and then cell phones and teleconferencing, there just aren’t many situations where physically getting from one continent to another a few hours sooner will make any difference to anyone. I’d like to fly faster than sound for the novelty of it, but I’d only do it once in

“But rest assured that if we ever get control of the federal government, we will start passing federal laws to control your life that we claimed were the sole province of the states.”

Counterproposal: Tax large pedestrians.

I believe that is a gold and gem encrusted grill he has on in that first picture and not the worst case of plaque the world has ever known.

I think he is wearing some sort of caps.

I briefly thought the same thing, but closer examination reveals that he is, in fact, wearing grills.

No need. He can afford crystal encrusted grills. 

He’s wearing grills. They’re really creepy-looking though for sure.

I believe that's a grill, the jewel encrusted removable caps rappers wore around the turn of the millennium. I didn't get scary myself but to each their own. I got more of the "ugly but acts and dresses extra because of it". Like a pick-up artist type.

He’s just wearing a grill, they are basically a fake pair of teeth that go over the real pair.

I don’t have particulary strong feelings one way or another about anyone’s relationships, but that dude has a supremely punchabla face. I’ll give you that. 

Yesterday’s dirt bag - Billy Ray Groomed his Fiance that he Met When She was 18

The list of other names Firerose considered going with when she changed her name was found scribbled on the back of an Applebee’s napkin:

- Trashorange