BrianGriffin has no patience for this

It’s probably a nice price, but god damn if that body kit doesn’t need to come off. That’s some boy racer, Fast and the Furious shit that hasn’t been trendy in well over a decade.

Can’t say I’ve ever seen one of these. I assume a collector will buy it? Maybe? Does Leno have one yet?

So the City of NY should have been held responsible had the woman I saw who was about to step off the curb directly in front of a bus (mid-block, mind you) staring at her phone while wearing headphones had actually been hit? The only reason she is alive is a random guy was standing there and literally grabbed her and

It was not a benefit to Cosby- it was a benefit to his accuser. Without the promise of no prosecution, Cosby could have plead the fifth on all questions asked, and his accuser wouldn’t have won her civil suit. By removing threat of prosecution, it removed his ability to plead the fifth.

I feel like this article overlooks the most important and depressing thing here.

It might be 1500$ car, but it’s not nice.

A ‘89 ‘Vette drop top with under 70k miles and $10,500 and in about as good a condition as possible? Nice Price, but I’d rather the coupe.

I told you, honey, I listed it on Craigslist. It’s not my fault nobody else appreciates the zenith of 1980s engineering. I may as well enjoy driving it until somebody offers $10k...

It’s not rad enough and I don’t have enough wood for this car at that price. No dice.

what am I expecting? an asking price in the 4 digits with the first numeral being a 3.. that’s what.

That’s a very nice $1,500 car.

Power is provided by a 130 horsepower 2.8-liter OHV V6. That’s matched to a three-speed transaxle feeding the front wheels

I can relate to this situation on some level because my mother didn’t take me to get the HPV vaccine when it became available for the first time because she was afraid that it would make me infertile. You know what definitely causes infertility? Cervical cancer.

Law enforcement continues to shit their pants any time someone does something even vaguely threatening.

Jesus fucking christ.

These bastards with badges must be dealt with. Every day its countless other persons shot and killed during traffic stops. What the fuck? Is every cop a giant fucking pussy afraid of their interactions with people? I get being on guard and all but holy fucking shit.

This kid bent down to place a

What sucks is that those cops that can recognize that their nerves are frayed or are starting to have PTSD or other mental/emotional effects from their job are not always given the proper outlet to retire early and leave the force. I know one particular cop (friend of a friend) who went through a tough situation. A

This is clearly a case of self defense on the part of the cop. I mean - there seems clear intent that Hunter was approaching him with a known toxic substance that could have, in the right circumstances easily harmed - even killed - the officer. If that doesn’t result in a reasonable apprehension of immediate risk to

I believe the officer was quoted as saying “I swear, I thought he was black!”

No shit. If the cops are that jumpy they need to be in another line of work.

Traffic stops should not receive the death penalty.