BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I know ‘90s cars got a reputation for “bar-of-soap” design language but that top-down shot is ridiculous

In today’s market given condition and the open top with some OBO activity it’s probably NP. On the other hand this is what a Cutlass should look like...

ND Once again we are presented with a car that’s rare, well kept and has low mileage; but nobody gives a flying flick for it. These were forgettable in the 90s, why would it be collectible now?

I can picture myself driving this to pick up my Viagra prescription while listening to yacht rock.

I can’t quite articulate what’s so awful about this thing. I guess it’s just the absolutely intense mediocrity of it? Like when I think of a just generally depressing car, any kind of Oldsmobile probably springs to mind.

400,000 users? Jesus wept.

Damn, you beat me to it. And yeah, I remember when Deadspin was awesome. 

This. Whatever he’s like personally, his foundation - which, Jesus, Jezebel, do some research before you casually dismiss the Gates Foundation - has done an incredible amount to transform living conditions in the developing world.

the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which does something I’m sure. I just couldn’t tell any of you what exactly.

Is the rule now that you are just as bad as the worst person you've ever met or been acquainted with? This whole "THIS PERSON SPENT TIME IN EPSTEIN'S PRESENCE, OMG WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT!" Is pretty dumb and I bet nobody would like if they were judged by the worst person they've ever met...

Is there really a need to shit on Bill Gates? I’ve seen enough of it from right wing sources and now this one too?

It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.

I disagree on the roll-up door. Not that I would really want a roll-up door on my “house”, but part of the appeal with this is the ability to “stealth” camp. You lose that with a door mounted in a sheet of T1-11. The windows cut into the sides still tell you something is up, but they don’t scream “someone is living in

Welcome to my planet. I’m one of the ever-growing numbers living full time in self-converted vans, box trucks, school buses, ambulances, and so one. This one is a “Meh” example.

Solid wanut everywhere!

And don’t forget the influencers living “van life,” or as we used to call it, “being homeless.”

One of my early photos is two year old me sitting next to grandma, delicately picking the M&Ms off the circumference of my cake at my 2nd birthday party. Not a smasher, a delicate dismantler was I.

“I tell parents if your baby’s not getting dirty and doesn’t like to get dirty this is probably not best for you, as much as you would love to have this,”

I went to a 1st birthday where the baby “disappointed” everyone by not attacking the cake. He wasn’t sure what to make of it, and having everyone standing around telling him to dig in clearly made him uncomfortable. Great Grandma tried to get him going by smearing a little icing on the tip of his nose. Woo boy, that

Do people consider this a new thing? I’m almost 40 and this has been a normal part of my family tradition since before I was born, I’ve seen pictures of my dad and his smash cake on his 1st birthday. I think the new part is parents paying a ridiculous amount of money for a photo shoot. Seems like a waste of money, but