BrianGriffin has no patience for this

Dany being the “unburnt” was a major outlier and what made her special. The rest of the family is not fireproof. 

We have now come full circle to the word processor that I used as a kid circa 2000. Small screen, typewriter style keyboard, limited distractions. All this needs is an attached printer 😂. 

Idk how accurate this site is, but potentially they’re down 40% in July vs June. I’m sure if you compare it to 2 years ago, it’ll be another huge number:

Your attitude is why Jalopnik is the way that it is now. No fun, disdainful, snarky, and downright elitist. No actual review or opinion other than “this thing that people like, well it sucks, because I said so”.

Take off the stupid police sh!t and it’s a well-priced Expy. As long as the hour meter doesn’t show 10,000 idle hours, it’s as fair priced as any other Expy out there with those miles.

Prius driver had the luckiest day of their lives. 

Rivian’s product is better than the original Fiskar, they have more production capability, and I’ve actually seen Rivian products on the road routinely. I don’t think they’ll be Tesla and be able to go it alone, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they got snapped up in a few years by an automaker that wants a more modern

Someone please correct me, because memory is a tricky thing, but…hasn’t this happened before? I distinctly remember a time, probably around 1996 or so, where they discontinued the Choco Taco for about 2-3 years. It may have been during the time that Klondike bought them / rebranded them from Jack & Jill? Maybe I’m

Exactly! Not that if I stopped to think about it, would I *not* think that a helicopter’s rear rotor was dangerous, but it just isn’t something I’d ever think about in my day to day life. ER fixed that for me. 

Hopefully he even has windows that can functionally fit a window unit!  This is scary man, Europe isn’t ready for this kind of heat. It’s going to be a rough few weeks. 

There needs to be more discussion, I agree, and not just whispers in the shadows, because the whispers often make an evaluation of the situation change.

My guess is it was probably an estate or family member who just wanted to get rid of the car and didn’t want to go through the hassle of taking it to auction and didn’t know something like BAT exists. Seems like everyone I know unloads their recently-stopped-driving parents’ cars at CarMax. 

That’s what I’m thinking. This is a great base for…something different. You’ll never get your money back no matter what you do to fix it up, might as well have fun with it. 

Considering the transmissions have like a nearly 100% failure rate at 75,000 miles, the fact that this has 74 and some change is, well, telling. 

The ad has been up for 22 days and it’s in…not a very nice part of Philly. Let’s just say that this car is totally a *steal*. 

My insta is now all Tiktok-style posts; even the photos. Like one at a time, hard swipe to scroll up, *cannot quickly bypass ads* style. It’s terrible. And makes you not know if you’re looking at a followed post or an ad or something they’re telling you that you may like, therefore will soon be the wave of the

Fuckers keep saying the quiet part out loud. They need their serfs and indentured servants.

Herr’s really missed the mark here. I’ve lived my whole life here and there really should be:

I know used car prices are crazy but…this is just too much. It’s one of the least desirable years of the Aero LTCs and the color is atrocious. There’s better options for $7500, even if you want a LTC. ND, should be closer to $5k. 

I’ve been out of the CVPI market for a while (used to buy, refurb, and sell as a hobby)…they’re going for that much now?! That’s crazy, wow.