BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I like that idea!

If you fix this with anything more substantial than coat hangers and electrical tape, I will be sorely disappointed. 

There’s a reason the 550 BMWs usually go for less than the 535s 😆

5-series and X5s are one of the best preowned deals around. Fears of reliability issues are over blown on average. 

Some driving nannys are good, but some are stupid. Lane keep assist, especially when deployed on roads with curves, sucks balls. Yes car, I know I’m touching the right solid white line. Yes, I know what I’m doing on this tight curve. No, I do not need you beeping at me.

I refuse to accept that these are more expensive than a F10. ND out of principle. 

The “turn you lights off” thing actually does help a lot in super dark, rural hilly areas where the light from your headlights tends to bounce around at an intersection. Assuming, you know, the other person isn’t doing the same thing…

The same thing that’s failing in most other industries - “just in time” inventory (in this case, planes and crew) due to late stage capitalism. 

Agreed. Though the MR2 Spyder has its place. 

Probably weight has a lot to do with it too? The GP likely was 600-1000lbs lighter, at least. 

A lot of people commented that that story was so creepy but I found it…uplifting? They ghost loved her neighbor and home so much that she wanted to let her friend know that she had passed on, and then went home. 

Are you talking about the Disco Sport? The new Defender? I’m genuinely lost here. Nothing on any of the Land Rover international sites lists a Freelander.

MSP tests and confirms that for 2012, a (new) Charger on (new) RSAs could do 151-152. Who knows that tires this car has, but that speed WAS possible at one time. Page 55 of the PDF if you don’t want to read the whole thing:

They haven’t made the Freelander since 2014/15….? And it looked, well, basically like the old one. 

I’ve seen a handful of ID4s in PA, too. The local VW dealer has them up on all their billboards. Don’t know why, but it seems like they’re pushing them here. 

My understanding: generally “understressed” engines also have low compression while using overbuilt mechanics. The low compression, even in the face of slightly higher RPMs (in certain situations), still puts less stress on the engine. Overall, especially with highway miles, the lower compression results in lower

What’s confusing? It’s a fast SUV, see also BMW X5M and Mercedes AMG’ing of everything. I love to have the cash to afford a X5M but alas, I’m not a 1%’er. The Jeep is overpriced though. 

I agree that Teslas look weird, but in the same way that a Prius looks weird. Goofy, a bit awkward, but generally still “a car” if looked at objectively. The i3 just pushed the silliness too far. The size (too tiny) didn’t help either.

BMW should have taken a 3-series and electrified it. Gave it a fantastic lease rate. Make it have some cool blue pinstripes or something to show off being “Eco”. The i3 is a visual abomination and nobody who wants a bmw would ever be caught dead in one.

I thought the headline was “Celebrities seem to be looking LIKE Ghosts and Aliens Lately” and I have never agreed with a Jez headline more.