BrianGriffin has no patience for this

I agree that the wheels are stupid and too big, but I like the wrap and the white walls (I’ve had them on “modern” cars like a Grand Marquis lol). Don’t like it enough to buy this thing, but I don’t find them offensive.

They still fail all the time though, right?  I’m pretty sure every older LX I’ve been in has had the suspension swapped to coils. 

Yeah you’re gonna be fine. I’d be more concerned about you hitting something than anything wrong with the LC. Toyota brakes take more push to engage than you’re probably used to.

I have reached into the far depths of my business brain and I can’t figure out why Avis is “okay” while Hertz is “dead”, short of the fact that Avis really only had airport-based rental sites which is a bulk of (though not all of) the car rental business.

Any major issues with the V90 during your time of ownership?  My BMW sedan is getting up there and I’ve been eyeing CPO 90s...

Not-knob-knobs is actually what Ford is doing with their factory head units now 😆

I liked the Bangle cars then, and I still like them now. Better than where we’ve gone, anyway. 

^ this. I do monthly 400 mile one-way trips and spend less than 15 minutes stopped for a bathroom break (my car can do about 500-600 miles on a tank of gas @ 80mph). That scales should i want to do a 9 or 12 hour journey. I’m not about the slow road trip life.

Invest in the IPO ETF. Let them do the work for you. 

Engine is still the N63.  Crack pipe at any price. 

Is it sad that my first thought was $55k? That’s not bad at all 🙁

Essentially Fair Use for a documentary boils down to: criticism of the source media, or teaching, or news reporting. It also should be for nonprofit purposes.

Should have known. I’m no Woody Allen fan by any means, but this is lazy legality by the doc producers and should have been caught by legal. 

It’s a weird perspective when you get older. Tiger was an idol when I was a kid; it feels like he’ll always be the 28-year-old in the peak of his career. On the other hand it’s hard to think of him as 45 because that makes him only ten years older than me (and five years older than my wife), which is nothing. Also -

I feel like HBO producers and/or the legal department totally overlooking copyright law in such an obvious and apparent fashion seems...unlikely?  Unless someone was dumb enough to this this constitutes Fair Use. 

I’m ready for the angry mob to show up at my doorstep, but...

The attitude in this article is astounding.

I like it?  Yeah. I like it. The interior is great. The outside is inoffensive. Exactly what you’d want in a starter middle manager car. 

I wouldn’t go a dime over $900. I saw the headline and figured it was a typo. 

OMG. This is perfect.